September 10, 2024
The Freshers’ Orientation program of the 30th Batch of MSc Nursing was organised by 365体育投注 College of Nursing, MAHE, 365体育投注, on September 2, 2024, at the Conference Hall, MCON, MAHE, 365体育投注. Dr. Tessy Treesa Jose, Associate Dean, MCON 365体育投注, briefly introduced the institution. Further, the heads of each department introduced their departmental faculty, followed by new students introducing themselves to the gathering, through this, it was understood that many students are multi-talented and students are having interests in different fields such as photography, dancing, instrument playing, singing, travelling, cooking, drawing, and many more.. Orientation to the Nursing Services was given by Dr. P. Suba Sooria, Head-Nursing Services, Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注. The students and their parents were familiarized with the hostel facilities by Col. Vinod Bhasker, Chief Warden of the MAHE 365体育投注 campus. Followed by Dr. Rashmi Yogesh Pai, Deputy Director of Student Affairs (Health Sciences), MAHE, 365体育投注, provided an orientation on student support services. She discussed important safety precautions, outlining the do's and don'ts for students. Additionally, Dr. Rashmi highlighted the various recreational facilities, including indoor games at Mareena and the extracurricular activities organized by MAHE, such as Utsav, 365体育投注 Yoga Day, and many more. She also emphasized the disciplinary measures in place to address substance abuse. Mr. Lesslie D’souza, chief fire safety officer at MAHE, 365体育投注, oriented us on fire safety procedures. ?Concluding remarks for the event was given by Dr. Tessy Treesa Jose, Associate Dean of MCON 365体育投注, who addressed various concerns from both students and parents.
The second day of the orientation began with a briefing on academic registration and admission formalities by Mr Praveeth, Associate at the MCON Office. This was followed by an orientation to the Central Library, Health Sciences MAHE, by Dr. Shivananda Bhat, Chief Librarian, MAHE, at the Symposium Hall, Health Sciences Library. Followed by Dr. Melita Sheilini, Associate Professor at MCON, MAHE, provided an overview of the Anti-Ragging Committee and its activities, explaining the online submission of anti-ragging declarations by both students and parents. Mrs. Pratibha, Assistant Professor at MCON, then oriented the students to the physical layout of MCON. Mrs. Manjula, Assistant Professor at MCON, provided a brief orientation on LPG safety, followed by Mrs. Prima J. J. D’souza, who explained the examination process and E-pad writing. The day concluded with an introduction to Microsoft Teams and LMS by Dr. Radhika R. Pai, Assistant Professor, Senior Scale MCON. The two-day program contributed to SDG 3 & 4: Good Health and Well-being and Quality Education.