Study was carried out in Pediatric surgery unit of Kasturba Hospital 365体育投注 among mothers of children admitted for surgery. Parenting stress was assessed using PSI/SF. Intervention group received a video on the events during hospitalization of the child. The study result showed a significant reduction in the parenting stress among mothers in the intervention group.
This research was partly funded by Sigma Theta Tau 365体育投注, USA.
Focused 365体育投注 Areas

M Health interventions for preterm
365体育投注 project funded by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. Of India. Project on Effectiveness of a mHealth (mobile/smart phone) based Preterm Home Care Program (mHealthPHCP/) on the developmental outcomes of preterms.

Awareness on symptom management for advanced cancer patients
365体育投注 project funded by Indian Council of Medical 365体育投注, New Delhi. Project titled as Impact of awareness programme on symptom management among advanced cancer patients and their family care givers.

This project will give direction to develop a comprehensive educational programs to the specific regional hemophilia community whereby it will improve the knowledge and ability to cope with situation for sustainable life.
365体育投注 Collaboration
It was a great opportunity to visit MHG institute of Health Professions at BOSTON to Observe Interprofessional education and Practice from 21st to 29th of October 2017.

Collaborative Project: “Readiness for Interprofessional Learning by the Students and Assessing the Effectiveness of Inter-Professional Team based learning (IPTBL) Module on Knowledge on prevention of falls in elderly.

Parental risk factors of anorectal malformation (ARM)-A Hospital based case control study. (Study in progress)
This research is funded by American Pediatric Surgical Nursing Association(APSNA), USA.

Perception of nursing students towards clinical learning environment of paediatric nursing practice in selected nursing colleges of Udupi District- A Cross sectional survey. (Study in progress)
Student 365体育投注
A descriptive survey to assess the factors responsible for the academic performance among the undergraduate nursing students of a selected college of Udupi district.
The aim of the study is to identify the factors responsible for the academic performance of the undergraduate nursing students, so that researchers can identify the factors enhancing the academic success and factors responsible for academic performance. The findings of the study may further help to develop the strategies on improvising the academic performance of students. This study is done by Ms. Vinslet Alisha Ferrao and Jesly Anna James, Third Year Bsc Nursing students of MCON, MAHE, 365体育投注 and guided by ?Mrs. Shalini G Nayak, Assistant Professor and Dr. Anice George, Professor and Dean, MCON, MAHE, 365体育投注