The various activities planned and conducted were as follows:
Activity I: Awareness among the community:
To galvanize support and to sensitize on breastfeeding and nutrition issues in the community, the Department of Community Health Nursing, MCON 365体育投注, MAHE and the Sub-center Madaga, Athrady jointly conducted an awareness programme on ‘Breastfeeding’ at Madaga Anganawadi Centre for 40 women and ASHA workers on 7th August 2018 from 11.30 am to 1.00 pm. The programme was inaugurated by Mrs Veena Vivek, Child Development Project Officer (CDPO), Udupi Taluk and Mrs Prameela Shettigar, President, Gram Panchayath, Hirebettu. Mrs. Sandya Kamath, Taluk Panchayat member, Hirebettu, Mr Harish Hegde, President Balavikas Samiti, Udupi, and Mr Ismail, Gram Panchayat President, Athrady joined the inauguration.