Awareness program on Prevention of Communicable Diseases and Infant Nutrition
The Health Education Committee of Student Nurses Association - 2020-21 arranged an awareness program on the Prevention of communicable diseases and infant nutrition on 26th February 2021 in the Pediatric block of Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注.
Ms. Viola Josna Mathias, Ms. Renita Castelino, Ms. Pruthvi Bore, and Ms. Swedal Evan Lobo delivered health education to postnatal mothers under the guidance of committee advisor Dr. Yashoda Sathish, Asst. Professor, Child Health Nursing Department.
The topics such as the importance of breastfeeding, immunization, and prevention of mosquito-borne diseases were also covered. Dr. Yashoda demonstrated the breastfeeding techniques and manual expression of breast milk.?
There were 13 participants (nine mothers and four family members) present during the awareness program. The participants clarified their doubts and expressed that the program was useful. The program concluded by vote of thanks by Ms. Viola Josna Mathias.