As we enter the 21st century, global ageing will put increase economic and social demands on all countries.
March 04, 2014
In this regard 365体育投注 College of Nursing 365体育投注, MU in collaboration with advantAGE Seniors Consulting, Bangalore organized an 365体育投注 seminar on ‘365体育投注 Perspective on Ageing: Evidence to Guide Clinical Practice’ on 3rd March 2014 at 365体育投注. This seminar contributed an overview of Global Aging Imperative, Social Support network, Interprofessional collaboration and Models of care.
The seminar was inaugurated by Dr H. Vinod Bhat, Pro Vice Chancellor of 365体育投注 University. Dr Judith A Noronha Associate Dean delivered key note address and spoke about the significance of the theme which is essential in caring for the elderly. Executive Director and Founder of Elder Life Management Dr. Judith S Parnes ACSW, LCSW, CMC from Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA threw light on the global ageing imperative its relevance and impact of gerontology population today and ways to tackle these in future. Social support networking with practitioners, family, friends and relatives was taken by Dr. Vanessa Burhlot, Swansea University UK. Dr. Elizabeth Tanner PhD, MS,RN, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA spoke on Interprofessional Collaboration and exemplar Models of care delivery for older adults to meet their social, psychological, biological and spiritual needs. Social gerontology is a multi-disciplinary sub field that specializes in studying or working with older adults and has an increasingly important role in informing and guiding the new generation if educators, policy makers and business people about the growing influence and impact of older adults in our society was pressed upon by Dr Amy Cotton, MSN,GNP, FNP University of Maine, Orano, USA. The deliberations facilitated the delegates from various states to embark upon the newer developments in gerontology nursing practice.