Faculty Development Program 2018

The Continuing Nursing Education committee of 365体育投注 College of Nursing MAHE 365体育投注, organized Faculty Development Program on 26th & 27th July, 2018.

July 30, 2018

The chief guest Dr. Sandeep S Shenoy, Director Quality and Compliance and Head, Department of Commerce, MAHE, 365体育投注 appreciated the efforts taken by the institution and congratulated Dean and her team for successfully holding such kind of event which helps in the holistic growth of an employee. In his inaugural speech, he insisted the college to closely work on benchmarking with nearby nursing colleges in Asia in order to strive for excellence.

The first session of the day was on overview of National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) by Dr. Christopher Sudhaker, Deputy Director, Quality and Compliance and Professor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, MCON, MAHE. The 365体育投注 Core Committee of MCON 365体育投注 facilitated the research presentation of each department. Each department presented research progress of the last academic year (2017-2018) and proposal for the next academic year (2018-2019).

On 27th July, 2018, Dr. Ciraj A M, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Dr. G Sreejith, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Melaka 365体育投注 Medical College MAHE oriented the faculty on uses and applications of various software in teaching learning activities and highlighted on significance of blended learning for the present generation of technology enhanced students. A session on “Soft skills development for health professionals” was taken by Dr. Vikram Palimar, Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, KMC, MAHE, 365体育投注. A total 70 faculty members attended the FDP 2018.