Seminar on Dysphagia: Assessment and Management
January 11, 2024
The Department of Speech and Hearing, MCHP MAHE, 365体育投注 organized a Seminar on Dysphagia: Assessment and Management on January 10th and 11th 2024 (offline) attempted to focus on assessment, management and scope of innovation in clinical practices of dysphagia. This seminar was accredited by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI). Dr Aparna R Pai, Professor, Department of Neurology, Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注 inaugurated the conference. Ms Maya Varma R facilitated the seminar with support from Dr. Usha (HOD Dept. of Speech and Hearing), Dr. Arun G Maiya (Dean MCHP, MAHE), Dr. Venkataraja Aithal (Associate Dean MCHP, MAHE), Dr. Reshmi. B (Associate Dean, MCHP, MAHE. There were, overall, 71 registrants across the country. Our resource faculties with expertise in Neurogenic dysphagia from University of Calvin, USA, Amrita Swallowing Center, AIMS, Kochi, at HCG Cancer Centre, Bengaluru and Kasturba Hospital, Mangalore. There was positive feedback from the (74) participants (24 professionals and 50 students). They mentioned that the seminar was well organized and that they are looking forward to such events in the future