National Workshop on Clinical Laboratory 365体育投注 – A multi disciplinary approach
March 27, 2019

National Workshop on Clinical Laboratory 365体育投注 – A multi disciplinary approach
conducted on 26/03/2018. The Workshop started with an Inaugural function at 9.00 a.m to 9.30 a.m, where Vice chancellor of MAHE, Dr. H Vinod Bhat was the Chief Guest of the Day and Dr. Poornima Baliga was the Guest of Honour. The Welcome address were delivered by Dr. B. Rajashekar, Chairperson of the Workshop, Dean of SOAHS. Dr. Saleena Ummer V, Convenor, Head of the Department, Medical Laboratory Technology, has summarized about the workshop and the need for the multidisciplinary approach. The Workshop was inaugurated by Dr. H. Vinod Bhat, VC, MAHE by the lighting of the Lamp, and Chief guest was introduced by Dr. Krishnamurthy, which was then followed by Chief guest address. Plenary Session speakers honored by Dr. H. Vinod Bhat & Resource persons of the workshops were honored by Dr. Poornima Baliga. B. Vote of Thanks delivered by Secretary Ms. Kalaivani. M.
The Inaugural function was followed by the first plenary sessions, titled by Challenges in Imaging - Laboratory and Medical perspective, by Dr. Sumam David S, Professor of Electronics & Communication Engineering, NITK, Surathkal.
The second session was Applications of Technology for Automation in Medical and Life Science Laboratories, by Dr. Ramesh R Galigekere, Professor and Head, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, MIT, MAHE.
The third session was Need for multidisciplinary approach in diabetic foot assessment and management, by Dr. Arun G Maiya, Associate Dean & Professor of Physiotherapy, SOAHS, MAHE