Distinguished Lecture Series Phase IV
September 01, 2018

Dept of MLT SOAHS, MAHE organized inauguration of Distinguished Lecture Series IV on Innovations in Clinical Laboratory Science Education and 365体育投注 on 01st September 2018 at multipurpose hall SOAHS, MAHE. The function started with an Inaugural ceremony at 9.30 by invoking the blessings of god. Dr. M S Valiathan, National research professor and former vice chancellor of MAHE, was the Chief Guest of the Day. The Welcome address was delivered by Dr. B. Rajashekar, Dean of SOAHS. Dr. Saleena Ummer V, Head of the Department, Medical Laboratory Technology, have summarized about the lecture series and the need for the interprofessional approach in education and research. The lecture series was inaugurated by Dr. M S Valiathan, by lighting of the Lamp, and Chief guest was introduced by Mr. Vivek Raghavan, Asst Professor senior scale, dept of MLT, which was then followed by Chief guest address. Speaker for the day Dr. Suchetha Dandekar were honored by Dr. M S Valiathan. Function had come to an end with the vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Aneena Varghese.

First session, titled “Towards patient centred healthcare- Innovations in clinical laboratory” by Dr. Suchetha Dandekar, Adjunct faculty of MLT, SOAHS, MAHE & Professor and Head, Dept of Biochemistry and Clinical nutrition, Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai.

Second talk of Distinguished lecture series IV Innovations in clinical laboratory education and professional development by Dr. Ciraj A M on 27th October 2018 at Multipurpose hall SOAHS.
Opening remarks and welcome address were given by Dr. B Rajashekar, Dean, SOAHS, MAHE , which was then followed by the introduction of the speaker by Ms. Kusumakshi Nayak, Assistant Professor Sr. Scale, Dept. of MLT, SOAHS.
Dr. Ciraj, Professor of Microbiology, and Course director, FAIMER institute MAHE has enlightened the students with his thoughtful topic, learning together to work together – An introduction to interprofessional learning. Sir has emphasized on the need of interprofessional education and practice in health care facilities and basics of IPE in an understandable manner as it is an occasion when two or more professionals learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care. Talk ended with a note of gratitude towards the speaker and delegates.

Third talk of Distinguished lecture series IV on IVF Treatment in the Management of infertility by Dr. Satish Kumar Adiga on 13th November 2018 at Multipurpose hall SOAHS.
Opening remarks were given by Dr. B Rajashekar, Dean, SOAHS, MAHE and welcome address were given by Dr. Saleena Ummer, and a memento was given to Dr. Satish by Dean sir as a token of our love and appreciation, which was then followed by the introduction of the speaker by Dr. Kavitha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of MLT, SOAHS.
Dr. Satish Kumar Adiga, Professor and Head, department of Clinical embryology, KMC, MAHE has enlightened the students with his thoughtful topic, IVF treatment in the management of infertility. Sir has emphasized on the need of IVF in the modern era where the cases of infertility is increasing drastically. Talk ended with a note of gratitude towards the speaker and delegates.