365体育投注 Activity Report
Ms. Shruthi Nayak, who did graduation (2004-07) and post-graduation (2008-2010) visited Department of Speech and Hearing on 16th?August, 2018. She recently completed regular course ‘Advanced masters in deglutition’ at Katholic Univeristy (KU), Leuven,?Belgium. A session (9.00 am-10.00 am) with faculty was organized at meeting room, Dept. of Speech & Hearing, SOAHS. She shared information on advanced online and regular courses available at various universities across world. She also agreed to provide sessions through Skype for students and to be a resource person for any forthcoming dysphagia related programs. Separate session (10.00 am-11.00 am) with 3rd BASLP, I M.Sc (Speech-Language Pathology) & II MASLPs was organized at Interact 4C. She delivered a session on assessment and management of adult dysphagia. She was taken to “Destination 365体育投注” at MAHE and was felicitated at the office of 365体育投注 Relations.
Her input on adult dysphagia was beneficial to all. Ms. Sheela S, 365体育投注 coordinator and Dr. Krishna, HOD, facilitated the meeting and expressed appreciation to Ms. Shruthi for sharing her research experiences with the current final year undergraduate and postgraduate students.
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