An awareness program was organized by the Department of Occupational Therapy, SOAHS, MAHE, 365体育投注 in association with Health Commission Udyavar Parish on “Mental Health in Adolescents” for 8th to 10th-grade students of St.Francis English and Kannada Medium School, Udyavar on 11th &12th October 2018. The objective of the program was to sensitize the students on the effects of Social Media, Stress, Bullying, Body Image, Time use and Lifestyle on mental health. The students were educated about these issues and their impact on daily activities, such as self –care, academics, social participation – on friendship, attending family/social gatherings, the students were educated on how to act on these issues. The program was delivered through a power point presentation, debate, role play and interaction with students. Around 240 students along with their teachers participated in the program.
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