Department of Occupational Therapy, SOAHS, MAHE organized a two-day workshop elucidating the role of assistive technology for daily time management in cognitive dysfunction. The workshop was a part of Indo-Sweden research collaboration titled “Managing time in dementia” and was funded by ICMR.?
Dr. Gunnel Janesl?tt, 365体育投注er, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden., Elisabet Ingrid Henley, Licensed occupational therapist, Geriatric Clinic, University of Uppsala,? Sweden and ?Dr. Sebestina Anita Dsouza? , Professor and HOD, Department of Occupational Therapy,? School of Allied Health Sciences, MAHE, 365体育投注 were ?the resource persons.
They described models and frameworks used to guide clinical reasoning with an evidence-based approach. This workshop also involved demonstration of assessment methods, goal setting and intervention strategies related to use of assistive technology for daily time management in cognitive dysfunction with hands-on- practice. The application of these concepts in the Indian context was emphasized to facilitate use in clinical practice. Twenty three occupational therapy students and professionals from various part of India participated in this workshop.
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