The World Radiography Day 2022 was celebrated by the Department of Medical Imaging Technology on 10th November 2022 at Sharada hall, MCHP, 365体育投注. The Inauguration ceremony started with an invocation song. ?Dr. Arun G Maiya, Dean, MCHP MAHE 365体育投注 delivered a welcome address followed by lamp lighting ceremony. Dr. Saikiran, Incharge-Head & Associate Professor, Department of Medical Imaging Technology, MCHP, MAHE delivered the overview of the program. Dr. Prakashini K, Professor and Head, Department of Radio diagnosis and Imaging, KMC, MAHE, 365体育投注 addressed the gathering about the significance of the program. Honorable chief guest Dr. Anand Venugopal, Chief Operating Officer, Teaching Hospitals, MAHE addressed the gathering with his motivational words. Vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Abhimanyu Pradhan, Assistant Professor- Selection scale, Department of Medical Imaging Technology, MCHP, MAHE .
On this occasion, we also conducted various student’s competition such as installation/educational models, Cartooning, Poetry writing, T-shirt designing, Role play and Dance related to theme of medical imaging and related to patient safety. ??The student competitions were assessed by the judges and the top two winners of each competition had received exciting prizes