A full day Continuing Professional Development Program “Tell Tale Teeth v.4.0” was conducted by the Centre for Forensic Odontology, MAHE, and Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, 365体育投注 College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, on 5th December, 2019 at the Lecture Hall 2, Attavar campus, MCODS, Mangalore. The chief guest for the inaugural ceremony was Dr. Dilip Naik, Dean, MCODS, Mangalore. He emphasized the importance and scope of forensic odontology and other related certificate programmes in dentistry. Dr. Nitin Agrawal, working presently as an ICRC member and Dr. Samarika Dahal working presently as Assistant Professor in Department of Dentistry, Maharajgunj Medical Campus, Institute of Medicine, Katmandu, Nepal, were the international resource persons for the programme. They are qualified forensic experts trained at University of Dundee and have vast experience in the field of Forensic Odontology by being constantly involved in identification in various air crashes and natural disasters in Nepal and in various other countries. They emphasised on the importance of identification of human remains and odontological aspects of building the biological profile of skeletal remains recovered for comparative dental identification. The CPD program further included a hands-on training program with Dr. Nitin and Dr. Samarika providing an insight to Comparative dental evaluation, Reconciliation and Dental Comparison report writing. This program was attended by about 170 participants including Faculty, Postgraduate and undergraduates from the colleges around Mangalore and students of the certificate course in forensic odontology.