Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Maxillofacial Defects
Department of Prosthodontics & Crown & Bridge, MCODS, Mangalore conducted an in- house continuing professional Development Programme on” Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Maxillofacial defects” on 29th & 30th March at Prosthodontic Pre-clinical Lab Light House Hill Road, KMC, Mangalore.
April 05, 2017

Dr. Mithun Upadhya. Reader, A.J Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore was the resource person. He spoke on Prosthetic Rehabilitation of various Maxillofacial defects. He also conducted a two day hands-on workshop on fabrication of Orbital Prosthesis as well as Auricular prosthesis. Different methods of retention and intrinsic and extrinsic Staining were discussed. The programme was well received. |