Dr NITHIN THILAK, who under the guidance of Dr JUNAID AHMED, secured 2nd prize in the scientific paper presentation competition at XXX National IAOMR conference (Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology)-2018 held at Pacific College of Dental Sciences, Udaipur, Rajasthan, during 23rd to 25th November, 2018. The paper was on “Evaluation of pulp sensibility in different age groups and their variation with gender.’’
November 28, 2018

?Dr. Mandovi Nath, third year post-graduate student in the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, MCODS, Mangalore has been awarded second prize in the scientific paper presentation for her paper titled “HISTOPATHOLOGIC AND RADIOGRAPHIC EVALUATION OF PERICORONAL RADIOLUCENCY ASSOCIATED WITH IMPACTED MANDIBULAR THIRD MOLARS: A PROSPECTIVE STUDY” under the guidance of Dr. Junaid Ahmed at XXX National IAOMR Conference -2018 held at Pacific College of Dental Sciences, Udaipur, during 23rd to 25th November, 2018