February 12, 2025

Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore initiated the ‘Teddy Bear Clinic’ School program in collaboration with the Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, 365体育投注 College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore. This program was conducted for School children with teachers of Bharath Academy, Yeyyadi Mangalore. ?It was conducted to spread awareness of preventive health and dental issues. The Teddy Bear Clinic Programme aims to reduce anxiety in young children who have a fear of doctors, hospitals, and medical and dental procedures while enhancing their knowledge of health and diseases. Children aged 4-7 years got their favorite teddies to the clinic. As in the hospital setting, they registered their teddy names while presenting their complaints. Doctors demonstrated the clinical examination and showed usage of common instruments that will be normally used in the clinics like Mouth mirror, Explorer, stethoscopes, tongue depressors and otoscopes on the teddies. They were taken into the ambulance and shown the paraphernalia used for patient care. The programme was well appreciated by the children, and school authorities.