
On the occasion of Swachhta Pakhwada which is celebrated across India from 1st-15th September students of M.Sc. Dietetics and Applied Nutrition, DAHS, WGSHA, 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education had visited the 365体育投注 Urban Primary Health Centre to learn the various waste disposal techniques and to maintain hygiene to prevent disease before cure. The purpose of this visit is also to spread awareness about the facilities of the newly opened hospital to the local community.

September 12, 2017

Medical officer of the health Centre Dr. Eshwari enlighten the students how spreading diseases can be avoided by maintain cleanliness and hygiene in and around the hospital. She also explained the biomedical waste management facility in the hospital. Students got the opportunity to see the procedures followed.

This visit was conducted under the guidance of WGSHA Principal Prof. G Parvadhavardhini, HOD of M.Sc. Dietetics and Applied Nutrition - Meenakshi Garg and coordinated by Raghavendra G, Pallavi Shettigar, Swathi Acharya and Namratha Pai