Dr Sreedharan received a scholarship from 365体育投注 Society for Pharmaco-epidemiology to participate in a conference at Boston
September 01, 2015

Dr Sreedharan Nair, Faculty, Department of Pharmacy Practice was awarded a scholarship from the 365体育投注 Society for Pharmaco-epidemiology (ISPE) to attend the 31st 365体育投注 Conference on Pharmaco-epidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management at Hynes Convention Center, Boston, August 23-26, 2015. He presented a research paper titled ‘Clinical manifestations and treatment patterns of systemic lupus erythematosus’. Additionally, Dr Nair also received a travel grant from the Indian Council of Medical 365体育投注 (ICMR), New Delhi. During this trip, he visited the School of Pharmacy, University of Wyoming, USA