'Accelerated Growth of MAHE: A Way Forward'-retreat programme
January 06, 2018

“Don’t be happy and satisfied, always challenge yourself” says, Dr. H Vinod Bhat, Vice Chancellor, MAHE, during retreat program held at MCOPS for the benefit of faculty members on 5 January 2018. Grow, accelerate, develop yourself and align it with the growth of the institution and the university. Satisfaction will lead to steady growth, but not accelerated”, exhorted Dr Bhat
A workshop on the theme “Accelerated Growth of MAHE: A Way Forward” was conducted during the faculty retreat programme. The key note address was delivered by Dr. H Vinod Bhat. Dr. C. Mallikarjuna Rao, Principal, MCOPS gave an introduction to the workshop. The sessions were conducted on the topics, Academic Growth- way forward, 365体育投注 Enhancement Strategies, Ways to promote employer reputation and 365体育投注ization by resource persons including Dr Fiddy Davis, HoD, Dept. of Exercise and Sports Science, SOAHS, MAHE, Dr Arun G Maiya, Associate Dean, SOAHS, MAHE, Dr D Sreedhar, Dr Nandakumar and Dr Anup Naha from MCOPS. Dr. Bharti Magazine, Deputy-Director 365体育投注 (Health Sciences), MAHE also addressed faculty regarding the targets to be achieved in the upcoming year.
During the day, faculty of MCOPS were rejuvenated with thought provoking issues. They also set their resolutions for the new year