Newly Opened Clinical Forensic Medicine Unit
Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注 has setup a unique Clinical Forensic Medicine Unit at Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注.
September 17, 2016

Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注 has setup a unique Clinical Forensic Medicine Unit at Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注, which will deal with medico-legal cases. The Clinical Forensic medicine Unit (CFMU) unit was inaugurated by Dr H. Vinod Bhat, Vice Chancellor, 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education in presence of Dr H. S. Ballal, Pro Chancellor, 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education & Mr K. T. Balakrishna , Superintendent of Police, Udupi District on 16.09.2016 at Conference Hall, Shirdi Sai Baba Cancer Hospital and 365体育投注 Centre, 365体育投注.?
Dr, Vinod C Nayak, Head of the Department, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology gave the introductory speech and gave a brief overview of CFMU unit. He also said CFMU unit is first of its kind in the state of Karnataka, and third of its kind in the entire Nation.? Dr Poornima Baliga, Dean, Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注 spoke about the need of Clinical Forensic medicine unit in the casualty in dealing with medico legal cases. She also mentioned about the initiation of the idea of CFMU and how the unit came into being.
Dr. Col. Dayananda, Medical Superintendent called for the support from the other departments of the institution. He said the working of such a unit will aid them and ease their way in dealing with the medicolegal case as well as documentation. Mr. K. T Balakrishna, Superintendent of Police, Udupi district promised complete support of the entire police department towards CFMU. He said that the need of earliest evidentiary material collection be met with if the forensic medicine knowledge is made available in the casualty.
Dr. H Vinod Bhat, Vice Chancellor, digitally inaugurated Clinical Forensic Medicine Unit on screen and gave the inaugural address. He added that along with routine functions of CFMU, the unit should also concentrate on to amend outdated laws for current situation. Dr. H. S. Ballal, Pro Chancellor, 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education, presided over the ceremony and gave the presidential address. He congratulated the college and department for taking up the initiative and promised of support to the unit. He also welcomed the new Superintendent of Police to the district.
Dr. Vikram Palimar, Professor of Forensic Medicine proposed the vote of thanks. Dr. Anitha .S, Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and toxicology was the Master of the Ceremony for the event.