Classrooms of KMC 365体育投注
Lecture Halls
KMC 365体育投注 is well known for the state-of-the-art teaching classrooms with capacity ranging from 125 -300 students. All classrooms are located in a single lecture hall complex called as INTERACT. ?Interact ha ground plus three floors and each floor contains four lecture halls. Each lecture hall apart from black board has projector and all the facility for E classroom. Lecture halls are equipped with Broad band WIFI facility, live Audio-video capture of all the lectures by IMPARUS and biometric attendance machines.?


Apart from this there is a 300 seater classroom near the hospital facilitating the theory classes for the students attending the clinical postings. There is a 200 seater hall in side the hospital for the regular general clinics, mortality review, clinico-pathology and clinic-radiology meetings.

Demonstration rooms
As per the current CBME curriculum in addition to didactic lectures, more than 2/3 of student engagements occurs through interactive focussed group discussion wherein small groups of students are engaged with a specific task with good student -teacher interactions. Each of these halls are air-conditioned and have LCD/OHP/Black board etc. These have seating capacities varying from 40 to 75.

Examination halls
There are 2 centrally air-conditioned exam halls each enabled with 8 CCTV cameras and individual chair and tables with capacity of 500 students (convertible to 250 seater two halls) at a time. This hall in addition to exams will also will be utilised for various educational and cultural programs conferences, CME, college fests etc.

KMC Board Room
This hall has a capacity of 60 subjects with video conferencing facility. It will be utilised for important meetings involving major policy decisions, opening meetings of all accreditation bodies like NABL, NABH, NMC, NAAC etc in addition to regular college council meetings which will be held every month ?

Conference room and research cell room
This hall has a sitting capacity of around 20 members and has video conferencing facility. This is utilised for all board of studies (BOS) meetings/doctoral advisory committee (DAC) meetings institutional ethics committee meetings (human and animal) etc, where the external member can join through virtual mode ?
