Recognitions & Accreditations
Accreditation as 365体育投注 Designated Centre for Supportive Care in Oncology by the Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC):
In 2019, MASCC initiated a certification program to recognize oncology centres that demonstrate best practices in supportive cancer care. Such Centers are designated by MASCC as Centers of Excellence in Supportive Care in Cancer. Through this initiative, MASCC promotes and recognizes cancer care centres around the world that are successfully integrating oncology and supportive services. Such centres are recognized by MASCC for upholding high standards and providing comprehensive services in supportive cancer care. MASCC’s certification program aims both to educate and to encourage a supportive care focus among oncology healthcare professionals.
The Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注 is the first centre in Asia to receive this accreditation. The accreditation was possible due to excellent supportive care treatment offered to patients receiving active cancer-directed therapies. All patients receiving radiotherapy are reviewed in the outpatient clinic weekly for assessment, documentation, and management of radiotherapy related toxicities. All patients on chemotherapy are scheduled for a mid-cycle evaluation of toxicities. Our cancer centre has an integrated palliative care program where patients receiving cancer-directed therapies and experiencing toxicities are effectively managed for symptom relief, psychosocial needs, family support, and determination of allied health support. Patients presenting with severe toxicities after hours are assessed in the hospital emergency medicine department who will coordinate with the on-call speciality residents from the cancer department.

365体育投注 Reference Centre for End-of-Life Care
KMC 365体育投注 is now recognised as the 365体育投注 Reference Centre for End-of-Life Care by the 365体育投注 Collaborative for Best Care of the Dying Person.?
The international collaborative is a Europe based Organisation, situated in the University of Liverpool UK, with 22 member countries from the 6 continents, which plays a major role internationally in end-of-life care policy, education, and advocacy.?
KMC 365体育投注 is the first and the only institute in India to receive this honour.?
Nursing Excellence Award (AHPI) for Kasturba Hospital:
Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注 won the award for Nursing Excellence recognized by AHPI (Association of Healthcare Providers India) for excellence in healthcare 2021 on 6th August 2021 in Delhi NCR at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Gurgaon.
Association of Healthcare Providers (India) AHPI as representative body of Healthcare Organizations in India each year recognizes and celebrate the Excellence achieved by the organizations in the healthcare industry in various fields.
The award was received from Dr. Ravi P Singh, Secretary General, Quality Council of India, and Dr Abhijit Sheth, President, National Board of Examinations by the team from Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注 lead by Ms. Jobita Barnes- Senior Executive Operations and Mrs. Charmaine- Nursing Quality Coordinator.? ? ??


Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注 awarded with IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Performance Excellence Trophy:
Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注 is awarded with “IMC RBNQ Performance Excellence Trophy 2020” in health care sector from IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Award Trust, Mumbai, with this award, Kasturba Hospital 365体育投注 has added one more feather to the crown of quality and accreditations. IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Award is possibly the most prestigious national quality award in the Country. The Awards were named after late Shri. Ramakrishna Bajaj, Past President, IMC, and a leading Industrialist. The award process follows rigorous training and evaluation. Dr. Ranjan R Pai, Chairman- 365体育投注 Education and Medical Group (MEMG) handed over the Trophy, Award and Certificate to Sri C G Muthana, COO, and Dr. Avinash Shetty, Medical Superintendent of Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注 today.? Dr. H S Ballal, Pro-Chancellor, MAHE 365体育投注, Dr Sudharshan Ballal, Chariman, MHEPL,? Lt Gen ( Dr) M D Venkatesh, Vice-chancellor, MAHE 365体育投注, Dr. PLNG Rao, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Health Sciences), MAHE, 365体育投注, Dr. Narayan Sabhahit, Registrar- MAHE 365体育投注, Dr Sharath K Rao Dean, KMC, Dr. Suneel C Mundkur, Advisor, Quality implementation, Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注 were present. All the officials of MAHE congratulated the Team Kasturba Hospital for their great effort.
This award is presented to Kasturba Hospital for demonstrating a socially responsible, ethical, and transparent health care service, dynamic leadership, patient centricity, employee orientation, providing all services under a single roof with the latest research and technical expertise at affordable cost. The organization has successfully ensured that 80% of its total energy consumption is sourced from renewable energy, using innovative practices for low carbon growth innovative thinking to design systems and processes to adopt changes easily. This has enabled Kasturba Hospital to place itself as a socially responsible health care provider.
Kasturba Medical College is recognised by:
Kasturba Medical College is recognised by:
·???????? National Medical Council
·???????? General Medical Council of Great Britain
·???????? Malaysian Medical Council
·???????? Australian Medical Council
·???????? American Medical Association.
·???????? Sri Lanka Medical Council
Students from 59 countries study a range of courses at KMC, which have academic collaborations with:
·???????? University of Mississippi, USA
·???????? University of Kentucky, USA
·???????? Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands
·???????? Lille2 University of Health & Law, France
·???????? Maastricht University, The Netherlands
·???????? Vanderbilt University, USA
·???????? University of Groningen, The Netherlands
·???????? University of Antwerp, Belgium.
Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注 is recognized by New York State Board of Regents (Validity till 2025):
Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注 under the 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), has been recognised by the New York State Board of Regents for a period of seven years. KMC 365体育投注 is the only medical college in the country to have received this recognition from the New York State Education Department (NYSED). Following this, there will be no restrictions on the duration of clerkship/ elective experience for KMC students seeking long-term clinical clerkship placements in New York.
NYSED’s evaluation of foreign medical schools consists of a thorough self-review against international standards and a site visit. The site visit was conducted by a team of international faculty and it happened in November 2017. After consideration of the site review report, a recommendation was issued for placement of students in a long-term clinical clerkship.

Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注 is recognized by Sri Lanka Medical Council (Validity till April 22):
Sri Lanka Medical Council is a statutory body established for the purpose of protecting health care seekers by ensuring the maintenance of academic and professional standards. KMC 365体育投注 has an understanding with the council allowing academic and research collaborations.?
ISO [ISO 9001-2000] certification for KMC 365体育投注 (Validity till April 2023):
Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注 and its constituent teaching hospital are both ISO 9001: 2008 certified and ISO 14000: 2004 certified for QMS/EMS displaying a strong commitment to improving the quality of services.
NABH accreditation for Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注 (Validity till June 2022):
NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers) is a constituent board of Quality Council of India, set up to establish and operate accreditation programme for healthcare organizations. Formed in 2005, it is the principal accreditation for hospitals in India. Kasturba Hospital, a teaching hospital of KMC 365体育投注 has consistently maintained its accreditation status since 2007 for its excellence in healthcare quality and strong commitment to improving the quality of services.

Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) of Kasturba Medical College and Kasturba Hospital is NABH accredited ( Validity till February 2022):
Institutional Ethics Committee of Kasturba Medical College and Kasturba Hospital is?NABH accredited for promoting and upholding universal ethical values and international scientific standards.
KMC 365体育投注 IEC has a DHR-ICMR accreditation status (Valid till March 2023):
The Department of Health 365体育投注 (DHR), GoI; with the Indian Council of Medical 365体育投注 (ICMR) had notified the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules -2019, that came into force from 19th March 2019. Under the Rules, Chapter IV entitled “Ethics Committee for biomedical and health research” states that Ethics Committees reviewing biomedical and health research should register with the authority designated by the Central Government in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Health 365体育投注 (DHR).?
CDCSO certifies Institutional Ethics Committee of Kasturba Medical College and Kasturba Hospital (Valid till September 2023):
The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) is the Central Drug Authority for discharging functions assigned to the Central Government under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act. Institutional Ethics Committee of Kasturba Medical College and Kasturba Hospital underwent a recertification audit in sept 2019 and was awarded its accreditation status for another 5 years

NABH accreditation for Nursing Excellence, KMC 365体育投注 (Validity till June 2022):
NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers) is a constituent board of Quality Council of India, set up to establish and operate accreditation programme for healthcare organizations. The Nursing professionals are the cornerstone of any quality related programme in a health care organization. Keeping this in mind, nursing excellence standards have been framed with a view to lay down the guidelines for evaluating the nursing services being provided by a Health Care Organization. Kasturba Hospital, a teaching hospital of? KMC 365体育投注 received the NABH nod for its efforts focusing on various professional, administrative and governance aspects of Nursing.

ESMO Centre for Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care, KMC 365体育投注 (Valid till 2022):
The European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) accredits 365体育投注 Comprehensive Cancer Care Centre (MCCCC), KMC, 365体育投注 as the ESMO Centre for Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care. 365体育投注 is just one among the two centres from India qualifying for this award presented at Barcelona, Spain. Dr Karthik Udupa from Medical Oncology accepted the honour on behalf of MCCCC & KMC, 365体育投注.

National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), India. Accreditation status for Microbiology lab, KMC 365体育投注 (Validity till 2025):
Microbiology Department, KMC 365体育投注 houses the State Referral Lab (SRL) Integrated counselling and testing centre (ICTC) for HIV and surveillance. HIV SRL is one of the best among the 10 State Reference Laboratories in Karnataka, recognised by National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), India. SRL caters to the districts of Udupi, Chikmagalur and Shimoga and provides training and assistance to the ICTCs. Both SRL and ICTC lab are accredited by National Accreditation Biological laboratories (NABL) India. ICTC provides free HIV testing and counselling facilities.
Mycobacteriology Laboratory, under the Microbiology Department KMC 365体育投注 is recognised as the ‘Designated Microscopy Centre’ for Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis by RNTCP, India (Validity till 2023):
BSL3 laboratory facility for Tuberculosis: First of its kind in southern coastal Karnataka with facilities like; fluorescence LED Microscopy, Gene Xpert MTB/RIF, MGIT 960 Liquid culture system, Line Probe assays first line and second line and Phenotypic DST for the first line TB drugs. The lab is attached to Designated Microscopy Centre of the RNTCP and accredited by the RNTCP for the Line Probe Assay. It caters to the needs of nearby hospitals in Udupi, Dakshina Kannada and North Kanara. The lab also collaborates with other institutions of MAHE and, reputed national and international research institutions. It has mutual agreements with companies for research activities. Periodic national level training is imparted to postgraduates and junior faculties of medical institutions through workshops. The lab has been involved in helping State TB cell Karnataka for follow up cultures of the patients undergoing MDR TB treatment in 9 districts of Karnataka.

NABL Accreditation for Kasturba Hospital Laboratory Services (KHLS) 365体育投注 (Validity till Feb 2022):
NABL is a Constituent Board of Quality Council of India. NABL has been established with the objective of providing Government, Industry Associations and Industry in general with a scheme of Conformity Assessment Body’s accreditation which involves third-party assessment of the technical competence of testing including medical and calibration laboratories, proficiency testing providers and reference material producer NABL offers accreditation services in a non-discriminatory manner. Kasturba Hospital Laboratory Services (KHLS), a constituent body/ organization of KMC & KH 365体育投注 has been constantly recognized for its excellence in laboratory services.??

NABH-EMERALD certification for Emergency Medicine Department of KMC 365体育投注:
Emergency care however, is a far more complex subject deeply engaging a confluence of empathy, presence of mind, equipment, precise clinical knowledge and trained procedural skills. The reputation of the hospital is dependent on the quality of care it provides and more so in Emergency Situations.? The most important question of whether emergency care provided even in paid private setups is really benchmarked for quality; remains a major challenge. Emerald certificate means a distinguished recognition of quality?emergency care. The Indusem-academic college of?emergency?experts in India has partnered with the national accreditation board of hospitals in India to devise the NABH?EMERALD program for quality?certification?in India.

NABH Accreditation to Blood Bank of Kasturba Hospital:
Accreditation Standards on Blood Centers/Transfusion Service shall improve the quality and safety of blood during – donation, collection, processing, testing, issuing, distribution and transfusion. Accreditation results in high quality of care to patients by ensuring availability of safe blood and blood products to the right patient in the right time and right qualities. ?It’s a Unique programme, very few countries have an accreditation programme on blood bank. This ensures standardisation of protocols leading to adherence to quality and safety protocols in a blood centre. Improves the skills and competencies of staffs of the blood bank. Increases community confidence as adherence to accreditation standards ensures provision of safe blood and blood products for transfusion.?

SKOCH Award for hand Hygiene to Kasturba Hospital:
Instituted in 2003, SKOCH Award salutes people, projects and institutions that go the extra mile to make India a better nation. SKOCH Award winners include the mighty and the ordinary alike. They receive this Award for their extraordinary achievements in contributing to the society.The Roll of Honour of the SKOCH Award over the years is a testimony to this. Our awardees value SKOCH Award as the highest civilian honour in the country conferred by an independent organisation. The SKOCH Award covers the best of efforts in digital, financial and social inclusion. It encompasses the best of governance, inclusive growth, excellence in technology and applications, change management, corporate leadership, corporate governance, citizen services delivery, capacity building, empowerment and other such softer issues that get normally lost in the glamour and the glitz of industry sponsored or advertising focused jamborees. SKOCH Award not only acknowledges exceptional achievers—organisations and individuals—but also spurs inspirational guidance and motivational leadership.

Guinness world record in hand sanitizing relay:
365体育投注 University and Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注 completed a great task of attempting a Guinness World Record in Hand Washing at the Marena Sports Complex on October 15, 2016 when 3422 students and staff and others washed hands as per the norms required for the record. It took over 16 hours to go through the exercise, which at the end was a job well done. All coordination with clock-work precision and the smooth conduct of the event was praiseworthy. Every minute detail was well attended to. The hand washing relay began at 7 am when the Pro Chancellor of 365体育投注 University, Dr H. S. Ballal sounded the hooter. It ended at 11.30 pm. Students, doctors, nursing staff and administrative teams of Kasturba Medical College and Hospital 365体育投注, and health care institutions comprising Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注 College of Dental Sciences, Melaka 365体育投注 Medical College - 365体育投注 Campus, School of Allied Health Sciences and 365体育投注 College of Nursing, and Kasturba Medical College Mangalore, 365体育投注 College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and School of Allied Health Sciences took part. Five Senior Advocates of Udupi District and 4 Police Personnel were the witnesses. The time keepers were physical education teachers from other colleges in and around Udupi and Mangalore.

Green Hospital Initiative Award by AHPI:
The Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注 was felicitated with an award for Green Hospital by the Association of Healthcare Providers, India (AHPI) on its sixth Global Conclave on "Outcome Based Healthcare Delivery System" held at Hotel Radisson Blue, Kaushambi (Delhi-NCR) on the 15th and16th February.
?The Union Minister of State for External Affairs, Gen (Retd.) V.K. Singh and Member of Parliament, Anil Agrawal presented the award to a team from Kasturba Hospital.
The hospital currently uses solar power up to 720 KWP to run its multi-level car parking. The Trauma Centre and Women and Child Block uses solar lighting, recycled water, automated control systems in air conditioning among other environment-friendly initiatives.

MAHE as Institute Of Eminence (IOE):
365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education was declared as Institute Of Eminence (IOE) by Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India. The contribution to KMC 365体育投注 and Kasturba Hospital to this was immense. KMC 365体育投注 is considered as the flagship institute of MAHE. Growth and development of KMC 365体育投注 and Kasturba Hospital 365体育投注 reflect the progress of MAHE.