Other Workshops




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Resource Persons


Pedagogy & assessment for 2023 batch MD students

28th Feb 2024

Dr Krishnananda Prabhu

Dr.Veena Nayak

Dr.Ravindra Maradi

Dr.Shashidhar V

Dr.Prithvishree Ravindra

Dr.Sushma Prabhath

Dr.Kirtana R Nayak


Assay of the essay

8th March 2024

Dr.Ramnarayan K

Emeritus Professor of Medical Education, KMC, 365体育投注


How to use ChatGPT and AI for health professionals


10th April 2024


Dr. Avinash Nivritti Supe

Consultant GI Surgeon, Zen Hospital, Mumbai

Director – Clinical Governance, Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai

Ex – Director and Dean, Medical Education and Major Hospitals, MCGM, Mumbai

Emeritus Professor of Surgical Gastroenterology & Medical Education, Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai


PASSH simulation education course

9th to 11th May 2024


1. Dr.Dinker Pai

Professor of Surgery and Director of the simulation centre at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and 365体育投注 institute, Puducherry, India

2. Dr.Amit Kansal, Senior Consultant,? Intensive Care Medicine, NTFGH, NUHS Ex-Director, Clinical Simulation, Jurong Clinical Education and Simulation Centre, NTFGH, NUHS, Singapore

3.Dr.Lulu Sherif, Professor in Anesthesiology, Head of Healthcare Simulation Education, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore

4. Dr.Ashokka Balakrishnan, Simulation program director, Senior Consultant & Clinical A Prof. National University Hospital, Singapore, Vice-President: PASSH


OSCE – Development and Implementation

26th?and 27th?July 2024

Dr Mahalakshmi VN

Dean (HPE), Aarupadai Veedu

Medical College, Puducherry


Interprofessional FDP on : use of modular skills trainer for procedural skills training

26th?Oct 2024

Dr Mahalakshmi VN

Dean (HPE), Aarupadai Veedu

Medical College, Puducherry





Sl. No.



Resource Persons


Designing MCQ for CBME

4th Jan 2023

Dr.Ramnarayan K, Emeritus Professor of Medical Education

Dr.Kirtana R Nayak, HOD, Medical Education, Professor of Physiology

Dr.Krishnananda Prabhu, Associate Dean, KMC, Professor of Biochemistry

Dr.Ravindra Maradi, Associate Professor of Biochemistry


Hands on training – Literature Search

8th April 2023

Dr.Shivananda K. Bhat, Chief Librarian, KMC, 365体育投注


NAAC Revised Accreditation Framework: Overview and Clarifications with an Appraisal of NAAC White Paper of May 2022”


Whither healer’s gaze?" Interpretation and?insights” Deciphering a poem

18th & 19th April 2023

Dr.Subramoniam Rangaswami,

Professor of Eminence in Medical Education & Former Vice Chancellor,? Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & 365体育投注, Chennai


Basic Level Skill training

8th to 13th May 2023

Mr.Stephen & Mr.Arun Jaisingh, Educational Service Specialist, Laerdal Medical ?India, Bangalore


Skill training

2nd and 3rd June 2023

Dr.Veena, Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Dr.Kirtana, Professor of Physiology, Dr.Prithvishree Ravindra, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Dr.Sunil R, Associate Professor of Critical Care, Dr.Sushma Prabhath, Associate Professor of Anatomy, Dr.Sandeep Kumar, Associate Professor of Paediatrics, Dr.Karen Janice Moras, Associate Professor, Paediatrics, Dr.Nandakrishna B, Associate Professor, Medicine, KMC, 365体育投注


The Ultrasound Simulator Induction Training Program

22nd June 2023

Ms Winnie Ng

Clinical Application Specialist – Ultrasound Simulation, Malaysia


1.Designing and conducting OSCE

2. Running scenarios & simulations

23th and 24th June? 2023



Dr Mahalakshmi VN

Dean (HPE), Aarupadai Veedu

Medical College, Puducherry


Dr. Dinker Pai

Professor of Surgery, Director, Simulation Centre MGM College and 365体育投注 Institute, Puducherry


AETCOM &? Learner Doctor Method

28th and 29th July 2023

Dr. Krishna G. Seshadri, Member, NMC Expert Group

Member, Board of Management

Visiting Professor

Departments of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Medical Education, Sri.Balaji Vidyapeth, Puducherry


MAHE Medical Education Conclave

30th Sept 2023

1. Prof Vedprakash Mishra, Pro-Chancellor, DMIHS, Nagpur ,????????????

2. Prof Russell D’Souza, Head, Chair Asia Pacific Division Melbourne Australia ,???

3.Prof Ricardo Leon-Borquez,? President, WFME,

4. Dr.Unnikrishnan B, Dean, KMC, Mangalore?




Sl. No.



Resource Persons


Implementing Alignment and integration


Case writing for integrated teaching and assessment

? 1st April 2022

Dr. Krishna G. Seshadri


Member, NMC Expert Group Member, Board of Management

Visiting Professor

Departments of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Medical Education

Sri.Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry


TransCare Queer Ambassadors studentship programme and

A Sogiesc sensitization workshop (2-5 pm)


15th? & 16th Sept 2022


1.Dr Kirtana R Nayak, Hod, Med Education, KMC, manipal, Dr. Aqsa Shaikh, Associate Professor of ,? Community Medicine,? Hamdard Institute of Medical. 2. Dr. Satendra Singh, Professor of? Physiology, University College of???? Medical? Sciences and GTB Hospital, Delhi , 3.? Dr. Khan Amir Maroof, Professor of Physiology, University College of,???? Medical? Sciences and GIB, Hospital, Delhi 4. Dr. Anant Bhan, India Lead, Principal Investigator and Mentor,???? Sangath, Bhopal ,5.? Dr. Harikeerthan Raghuram, Project Coordinator, Sangath, Bhopal 7. Gaurav Prateek, Project Assistant, Sangath, BhopalSciences and 365体育投注, Delhi? 8. Ms.Aiswarya S, Admin & Fellowship Co-ordinator Sangath, Bhopal, 9. Lakshana B? (QA Fellow)
10.Vishal Kanmai (QA Fellow) 11. Dr.Prachi, Hyderabad (mentor), 12.Dr.Mukul Mumbai (mentor) 13. Priyam Kashyap (QA fellow), 14. Vignesh D(QA fellow) 15. Anushruti Shukla (QA fellow), 16. Dr.Surapaneni Krishna Mohan, Vice Principal , panimalar medical college, Poonamallee 17, Sarikasri (QA fellow), 18,Sivani B (QA fellow), 19. Arthana J (QA fellow), 22. Sharmila M (QA fellow)

TransCare Queer Ambassadors Sensitization on queer & disability inclusion? open to students (STEM and NON STEM) from manipal and across MAHE, Journalists Faculty and staff



CBME Skill and scenario-based teaching assessment”

27th Oct 2022

Dr.Dinesh Badyal, Professor of Pharmacology, NMC Subject Expert National Convener, NMC, ACME Member NMC Task Force CBME, CMC, Ludhiana


Workshop - Evidence-Based Faculty Training program in Teaching Bioethics in Medical and Health Profession Education

23rd to 25th Nov 2022

1. Dr. Vedprakash Mishra, Professor of Excellence, Professor of Eminence, Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Professor, Dr. B. C. Roy National Awardee, D.Sc. (Honoris Causa) by Seven Universities , National Head of the Academic Programme of Indian Programme UNESCO Chair in Bio-Ethics Haifa & Member of the 365体育投注 Committee for Bioethics for Asia Pacific Region Chief Advisor to Hon'ble Chancellor and Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University), Karad , Pro-Chancellor, Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and 365体育投注 (Deemed to be University), Nagpur Advisor, Human Ethics Committees Association (HECA), Bangalore Dean, Academic and Accreditation Board, National Indian Medical Association, New Delhi? Honorary Professor, Indian Medical Association Honorary Director, Centre for Health Sciences Education Policy and Planning, DMIHER (DU), Nagpur Former Vice Chancellor, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University), Nagpur Former Chairman, Postgraduate Medical Education Committee, Medical Council of India, New Delhi Former Chairman, Academic Council, Medical Council of India, New Delhi? 2. Dr Russell DSouza, Chair Department of Education Melbourne Australia?? 3.Dr Princy Palatty HOD & Professor Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences? Kochi 4.Dr Gireesh? Padma Hospital Vice Dean SRM IST Chennai 5.Dr Vivek Mady O&G Consultant & Legal Attorney R K Hospital Chennai? 6.Dr Sreenivas, Director of Forensic Medicine Maulana Azad Medical College Delhi, 7. Dr.Animesh Jain, Professor of Community Medicine, KMC, Mangalore, 8. Dr.Mary Mathew, HOD, Dept. of Pathology, KMC, 365体育投注




Sl. No.



Resource Persons


Workplace Based Assessment in CBME

24th May 2021


Dr. Tejinder Singh,

Professor of Pediatrics and Advisor, Medical Education, SGRD Institute of Medical Sciences and 365体育投注, Amritsar


“Alignment and Integration in competency based undergraduate curriculum”


14th August 2021


Dr. Krishna G. Seshadri, Member,

NMC Expert Group

Member, Board of Management

Visiting Professor

Departments of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Medical Education

Sri.Balaji Vidyapeth, Puducherry


Reflective Writing Workshop? to train faculty teaching AETCOM for undergraduate medical students


17th Sept 2021

1.?????? Dr.Shrinivasa Bhat U, Professor and Head, Dept of Psychiatry, KSHEMA,? Mangalore.


2.?????? Dr.Samir Kumar Praharaj, Professor and Head, Dept. of Psychiatry, KMC, 365体育投注


Communication skills – AETCOM Series

28th and 29th Oct 2021

Dr Nagesh Simha, Medical Director, Karunashraya Hospice Trust.


Transcare Med-ed workshop

Transcare Campus Connect KMC,

18th & 19th ?

?Nov 2021

Sangath and university of Chicago


1.Dr. Aqsa Shaikh, Associate Professor of ,? Community Medicine,??? Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and 365体育投注, Delhi

2. Dr. Satendra Singh, Professor of Physiology, University College of????? Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital, Delhi
3. Dr. Khan Amir Maroof, Professor of Physiology, University College of

Medical Sciences and GIB Hospital, Delhi
4. Dr. Anant Bhan, India Lead, Principal Investigator and Mentor,

?Sangath, Bhopal ,

5. Deepak Tugnawat, Director of Projects,? Sangath, Bhopal

6. Dr. Harikeerthan Raghuram, Project Coordinator, Sangath, Bhopal

7. Gadha Thachappiliy, Project Assistant, Sangath, Bhopal





Sl. No.



Resource Persons


Shared Decision Making??

13th January, 2020

Dr. Satendra Singh, Adjunct faculty, New Delhi, Dr. Pragna Rao, Consultant, Medical Education, Bangalore, Dr. Uma Kulkarni, Professor of Ophthalomology, Yenepoya University, Mangalore and Dr. Naveen Salins, Head, Dept. of Palliative Care, KMC, 365体育投注


Disability-inclusive Compassionate Care

14th January, 2020

Dr. Satendra Singh, Adjunct faculty, New Delhi, Dr. Ranjan S S, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Ms. Sidhiprada Mohapatra, Coordinator, Centre for Comprehensive Rehabilitation


Clinical Skills

14th January, 2020

Pragna Rao, Consultant, Medical Education, Bangalore and Dr. Leslie Edward Lewis, Samir Kumar Praharaj and Ajay Bhandarkar, KMC, 365体育投注




Sl. No.



Resource Persons


Theatre of the Oppressed-Breaking Patterns, Creating Change- A workshop in medical humanities?

8th & 9th February, 2019

.Dr. Radha Ramaswamy & Mr. Ravi Ramaswamy


CISP Internal workshops

9 workshops

Dr. Pragna Rao,

Dr. Kirtana R Nayak & Dr. Veena Nayak


Viva Voce workshop

23rd March, 2019

Dr. Ramnarayan, Vice President Faculty Development, MAHE


Case Based MCQ workshop

31st May, 2019

Dr. Raghavendra Rao and

Dr. Kirtana R Nayak


InPods- Hands on Workshop

3rd & 4th June, 2019

M V Kalidas, Vice President

InPods India Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru


AETCOM Training of the Trainer Workshop.

6th and? 7th June ?2019

Dr Fiona RAWLINSON, Program Director, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, UK.

Dr Santosh CHATURVEDI, Professor of Psychiatry, Head, Department of Mental Health Education, NIMHANS, Bengaluru

Dr Nagesh SIMHA, Medical Director, Karunashraya, Bengaluru

Dr Roop GURSAHANI, Senior Consultant, Department of Neurology, P D Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai

Mr Gurmeet RANDHAWA, Managing Trustee, Karunashraya, Bengaluru

Dr Seema RAO, Consultant, Department of Palliative Medicine and Supportive Care, KMC, 365体育投注

Dr Sneha G KALTHUR, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, KMC, 365体育投注

Dr Naveen SALINS, Professor and Head, Department of Palliative Medicine and Supportive Care, KMC, 365体育投注

1.?????? ?

Organizational Communication Workshop

8th June, 2019

Dr. Vaibhavi Kulkarni

Faculty, Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad

Dr. Rajesh Chandwani?

Faculty, Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad

2.?????? ?

Workshop on Formative Assessment

3rd July, 2019

Dr. K. Ramnarayan, Chairperson - 365体育投注 University Jaipur

Vice President - Faculty Development, MAHE, 365体育投注

3.?????? ?

Guest Lecture on Epistemology in Medicine

13th July, 2019

Dr. R N Bhat, Udupi

4.?????? ?

CBME Implementation workshops/orientation for Clinical Departments

5-6 July, 2019 & 26th July, 2019

Dr. Pragna Rao,

Dr. Kirtana R Nayak & Dr. Veena Nayak

5.?????? ?

Workshop on Blueprinting and University Examination Question paper setting in only Physiology

24th August, 2019

Dr. Raghavendra Rao and Dr. Kirtana R Nayak

6.?????? ?

Workshop on Diagnostic Reasoning at 365体育投注 (DReaM 2019)

11th to 13th October, 2019

Dr. Scott Stern & Dr. Adam Cifu, University of Chicago


CBME Implementation workshops/orientation for Phase II faculty members

15th November, 2019

Dr. Pragna Rao,

Dr. Kirtana R Nayak





Sl. No.



Resource Persons

1.?????? ?

Pedagogy and Assessment Workshop for Optometrists

5th to 7th April 2018

MED faculty members

2.?????? ?

365体育投注 Global Medical Education Conclave:??Concepts

6th April 2018

Dr. Ved Prakash Mishra, Chancellor, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad.

Dr. Ajay Kumar, Chairman, Administration & Grievances Comm. Medical Council of India

Dr. Mangal Sunder, Coordinator and Head, NPTEL

Mr. Alasdair Smithies, Manager, Technology Enhanced Learning, School of Medicine at Leeds

Dr. K Ramnarayan, Chairman - MUJ and Vice President - Faculty Development, MAHE


3.?????? ?

Blended Learning approach for engaging postgraduate Journal Club

28th April 2018

Dr. Ramesh S Ve, Assoc. Pro & HOD Optometry, SOAHS, 365体育投注

4.?????? ?

Competency-based medical education -Development and Assessment

21st May 2018

Mr. Kishore Shah, Talent Analyst, Ideas Unlimited


5.?????? ?

Workshop on Communication in Healthcare

15th June 2018

Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Shishta N Basu, Dr. Sitangshu Basu, Dr. Indu Arneja from Delhi and Dr. GG Laxman Prabhu from Mangalore

6 Workshop on Key-Keep Empowering Yourself 1st December, 2018 KMC Faculty?





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Resource Persons

1.????? ?

Labster workshop for Faculty and Students ?

13th, 14th 15th & 17th??

March 2017 ??


Ms. Shalini and Dr. Soren, Denmark

2.????? ?

Hands-on Workshop:

Creating Applied and Clinically Oriented MCQs

22nd April 2017


Dr. Pragna Rao & Dr. Kirtana R Nayak

3.????? ?

The Challenges of Sustaining a Mentorship Programme

? ?????????

3rd May 2017

Dr. Sucheta P. Dandekar, Professor, and Head, Department of Biochemistry, In charge Central Clinical Biochemical Laboratories, Seth G S Medical College & K E M Hospital, Parel, Mumbai????????

4.????? ?

Hands-on Workshop:

Creating Applied and Clinically Oriented MCQs

27th May 2017


Dr. Pragna Rao & Dr. Kirtana R Nayak

5.????? ?

Diagnostic Reasoning & CPPT

23rd to 27th October 2017

Dr. Scott Stern, University of Chicago and

Dr. Sandeep Gurubaxani, University of Chicago

6.????? ?

Refreshing Teaching Skills Workshop

30th & 31st October 2017

MED Faculty members




Sl. No



Resource persons?

1.?????? ?

Shibboleths in Faculty Development

20th Feb. 2016

Dr. K Ramnarayan, Vice President Faculty Development and 365体育投注 Relations, MU

2.?????? ?

Computerized Image Analysis- A Hands-on Workshop

26th Feb. 2016

Dr. Keerthana Prasad, School of Information Sciences, MU

3.?????? ?

Diagnostic and Reasoning: A workshop on Integrated Clinical Pathophysiology and Therapeutics

18th & 19th March 2016

Dr. Scott Stern, Professor of Medicine, Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago


4.?????? ?

ALIGN- A hands-on workshop to develop and align Competencies and Objectives with Assessment using MCQs

20th & 21st March 2016

Dr. Vinay Kumar, Alice Hogge, and Arthur Baer Distinguished Service Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pathology, University of Chicago


Dr. Tamkin Rabbani, Professor of OBG, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, UP

5.?????? ?

Encounter or Engagement - Intercultural competence building at the workplace

16th April 2016

Praveen Shetty, Assistant Professor, MIT.? Rahul Putty, Assistant Professor, Department of European Studies

6.?????? ?

Assessment strategies in Medical Education

19th May 2016

Dr. Manoj Chakravarty, Associate Professor, College of Medicine & Medical Sciences, Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain


Dr. Sanjay Singh, Department of Information and Communication Technology, MIT, 365体育投注

7.?????? ?

3D Bio-Printing

22nd April 2016

Mr. Arun Chandru, Cofounder, Pandorum Technologies

8.?????? ?

Disease to Diagnosis

12th Sept. 2016

Dr. Scott Stern, Professor of Medicine, Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago????


Dr. Sandeep Gurbaxani, Associate Professor, Director, Hematopathology Fellowship, Department of Pathology, The University of Chicago?

9.?????? ?

Developing Undergraduate Medical Curriculum

29th Nov. 2016

Dr. Melissa Fischer, Associate Dean of Medical Education, University of Massachusetts Medical School.

10.?? ?

Outcome-Based Learning

23rd Dec. 2016

Professor?Nagesh Pai, Foundation Professor of Psychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Health & Medicine, and University of Wollongong, Australia

11.?? ?

Teaching and Assessment of Professionalism

26th Dec. 2016

Professor?Nagesh Pai, Foundation Professor of Psychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Health & Medicine, and University of Wollongong, Australia



Workshops conducted during the year 2015





Resource Persons

1.?????? ?

Workshop on “Problem Based Learning”

15th January, 2015

Medical Students from Maastricht University - Maastricht, Netherlands:

Malou van der Lans, Lisa de Rooij, Nicole Wijnen, Lotte Oosterbeek, Sofie Hendriks, Martijn Dietvorst, Marijke Greijdanus

2.?????? ?

Mini-workshop on Assessment for Learning

6th February 2015

Dr. A Krishna Rao,

Consultant Medical Education

3.?????? ?

Introduction to ATCOM Module

13th June 2015

Dr. K Ramnarayan, Vice President

Faculty Development and 365体育投注

4.?????? ?

Corporate Skills -1

Interviewing and being interviewed.

27th June 2015

Dr. (Col) P.S James is a professor in T.A Pai Management Institute

5.?????? ?

Let’s Click: Clickers in the Classroom

11th July 2015

Dr. Kantilatha Pai, KMC, 365体育投注

Dr. Madhukar Mallya, MMMC, 365体育投注

6.?????? ?

Corporate Skills -2

Group Discussion Skills

25th July 2015

Dr. Animesh Bahadur, Associate Professor,??TAPMI, 365体育投注

7.?????? ?

Time Management

8th August 2015

Dr. Simon George, TAPMI faculty

8.?????? ?

Counseling skills

10th Oct. 2015

Dr. Johnson Alex, KMC, 365体育投注

Dr. Sebastian, KMC, 365体育投注

9.?????? ?

PBL in an MCI based Curriculum.

24th Oct. 2015

Dr. Yeshwanth Rao, MMMC, MANIPAL

10.?? ?

Yoga for our busy lifestyle

15th Dec. 2015

Dr. Annapoorna and other faculty, KMC, 365体育投注

11.?? ?

Conflict Management

12th Dec. 2015

Dr. Ciraj A M, MMMC, 365体育投注



Workshops conducted during the year 2014

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Resource Persons

1.?????? ?

National workshop on MCQ (DESIGN)

17th & 18th February 2014

Prof. David B Swanson??????????????????????????????????

Vice President for Program Development? & Special Projects of Medical Examiners (NBME)

Philadelphia, USA????????????


Prof. Vinay Kumar

Chair, Department of Pathology

National Board University of Chicago, USA

2.?????? ?

Evolution of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

15th May 2014

Ms. Kayleen Wood B Bus (Econ), MBA HRM, G. Cert. Higher. Ed


3.?????? ?

Mini-workshop on

Virtual Patients in Health Professions Education

16th May 2014

Dr. Veerabhadra Gowda MBBS, MD, DCCP

Associate Professor, centre for Teaching and Learning

Ross University School of Medicine, Dominica