Field Visit by MBA Healthcare Students to Rural Maternal and Child Welfare Home
November 18, 2015

A field visit was arranged for the 2nd year students of MBA healthcare management, on 18.11.2015. This field visit was an integral part of ongoing course subject, management of national health programs. The RMCW is a healthcare center managed by the department of community medicine, KMC. Dr. Swati & Dr. Sagarika, Faculties of SOM accompanied the students.
The objective of the field visit was to demonstrate
1. Field realities in accordance to health care delivery mechanisms.
2. The staffing patterns in rural health care centers.
3. The responsibilities of the staffs and the challenges they encounter in delivering their services.
4. The health care services available in the center.
5. The type of health problems faced by the community.
6. How the health care service delivery in rural different from the urban.
Currently RMCW is functional only on specific days of the week, the reason being drastic reduction of cases of deliveries. Therefore students could not witness maternal health service delivery. But as per the need of services for addressing the health related issues of elderly population, the center has modified its services for the geriatric population of the community.
Students observed practical demonstration of health education and communication being conducted and the role of different participant (doctors, social workers, nurses and community members) in carrying out the same. It was a practical learning experience for the students. They also interviewed few staff members and thoroughly studied the infrastructure and its facilities.