MAHE Develops “Laser Shoe Technology” for Treating Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain
“Laser Shoe as a Novel Solution”
December 06, 2021

19th November 2021-MAHE develops Laser Shoe Technology for diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain. The Department of Science and Technology “a department within the Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India” signed off a grant to develop such technology. The product is officially launched on 19th November 2021 at 365体育投注 by Pro chancellor, Dr H S Ballal, MAHE, Vice-Chancellor, Lt Gen (Dr) MD Venkatesh, MAHE,? Dr Anita Aggarwal, Scientist- "F" & Associate Head, Technology Development Program, Technology Development & Transfer Division, Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, ?Government of India along with Dr PLNG Rao Pro- Vice-chancellor, MAHE, Dr Narayan Sabhahit, Registrar, MAHE, Dr Sharath Kumar Rao, Dean –KMC, Dr G Arun Maiya, MCODS and Mr. Vishwanathan Managing, Director, Techno Med Electronics, Chennai. This product is developed with the research grant support from the Technology Development Program, Technology Development & Transfer Division, Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.
The Principal Investigator for this project is Dr. G Arun Maiya, Professor and Dean, 365体育投注 College of Health professions, MAHE, 365体育投注 and the team members for the project are Dr. Manjunath Hande, Professor, Medicine, Dr Sharath Kumar Rao, Dean, KMC, Dr Harishchandra Hebbar, Professor, School of Information Science, Mr. Hrishikesh, 365体育投注 scholar, Mr. Karthik, Managing Director, TechnoMed Electronics, Chennai, and Engineer (Electronics) and Mr. Vishwanathan, Managing Director, TechnoMed Electronics, Chennai.
Speaking on the occasion Dr Anita Agarwal, Scientist- "F" & Associate Head, Technology Development Program, Technology Development & Transfer Division, Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India highlighted “the need for indigenous cost effective healthcare technology and system. She congratulates Dr G Arun Maiya and Team MAHE for the Novel Solution”
Vice-Chancellor, Lt Gen (Dr) MD Venkatesh, MAHE, highlighted about MAHE’s contribution towards 365体育投注, Innovation and Entrepreneurship developments. He also spoke on MAHE’s, ranking and other activities in the area of Higher Education and Healthcare. The need for developing a cost-effective non-pharmacological treatment for neuropathic pain to reduce pain and improve microcirculation.
While addressing the function, Dr HS Ballal, Pro Chancellor, MAHE, highlighted that there is need for cost effective pain management for neuropathic pain in diabetes mellitus. In India there is increasing prevalence of diabetes and need for early screening of complication associated with diabetes mellitus especially foot related complications in diabetes.
Dr G Arun Maiya, Professor and Dean, 365体育投注 College of Health professions, MAHE 365体育投注 highlighted that this product is clinically validated and now it’s ready for commercialization. The reason behind this project was that a recent international prospective multicentric study suggested that 67000 Diabetes Mellitus patients from different countries revealed 52.6% of microvascular complications, where neuropathy was the highest reported microvascular complication in all regions, ranging from 25 to 83 % and among the many complications of Diabetes Mellitus, diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) with pain carries significant morbidity and economic burden. An effective means of identifying and treating peripheral neuropathy would have a major impact medically, socially as well as economically as foot ulceration paves the way to 80% of amputations.
The preliminary research for this project was published in Laser Therapy journal 2015 (Maiya et al 2015) found that LLLT is found to be effective in reducing the severity of neuropathic pain and improving microcirculation. However, the existing available laser instruments used for pain management of various musculoskeletal conditions and tissue healing are not specific to the foot region. The existing scanning method of laser application to the foot is not covering the entire area of the foot to improve microcirculation of the foot. Considering the higher burden of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the Indian population, we have developed and validated laser shoe technology a cost-effective LASER instrument, focusing exclusively on the entire foot region for the management of neuropathic pain in people living with type 2 diabetes mellitus