Student team from MAHE wins National Innovation Contest

December 20, 2021

Dr. Mahima Mishra (MCODS),?Mangaluru?2015-2020 and her team has won?the National?Innovation Contest (NIC) conducted by the Ministry of Education.

Dr. Mahima Mishra is currently a NIDHI-EIR fellow (MUTBI) and conducts her innovative work at the Innovation Centre. Her interdisciplinary team includes Soumik Roy, B Tech second year MIT 365体育投注, Ruchit Bhakti, B Tech, fourth Year MIT 365体育投注. Dr. Arun Shanbhag, Chief Innovation Officer, MAHE and Dr. Dilip G Naik MDS, Pro Vice-Chancellor MCODS?Mangaluru, served as mentors.

?Lt Gen Dr M D Venkatesh, Vice Chancellor, MAHE Congratulated Dr. Mahima and the Team on winning the National innovation contest and for securing the prototype development grant. He added “MAHE is proud of this achievement.”
