365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education through MCODS signs a MOU with Boston University

February 07, 2017

365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education signs MoU with Boston University

365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education through 365体育投注 College of Dental Sciences (MCODS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding here on Monday with?Boston University?through Henry M Goldman Schools of Dental Medicine (BUGSDM) to promote mutual understanding and to contribute to the advancement and progress of dental education and science through educational and academic collaboration and exchanges of mutual interest and benefit.?
The MoU was signed by 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education Vice Chancellor, Dr H Vinod Bhat and Dr Nirmala Rao, Dean MCODS and Dr Jean Morrison, Boston University Provost and Chief Academic Officer and Dr Jeffrey W Hutter, Dean BUGSDM. The purpose of the MoU is to establish an exchange program during the 2017-2020 academic years.

The universities have agreed to send four students and a faculty member as team leader for two-week rotations.The BUGSDM rotation is expected to begin in September of each academic year and that of MCODS will begin between June 1 and August 15 of each academic year.

Thanks to our 365体育投注 Dr. Suneel Kandru, an Endodontist and Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine Dean's Advisory Board Member for his constant support and guidance from these years in an effort to make this collaboration successful. We are happy to share our 365体育投注 support towards MCODS, 365体育投注 vision