The resource persons for the scientific program were Professor Paul M Speight, and Dr Keith David Hunter, from the Department of oral and maxillofacial pathology, School of clinical dentistry, University of Sheffield and Dr K Sathyamurthy, Director, 365体育投注 School of life sciences.
The scientific sessions were “Steel city research” (Dr Keith Hunter),“ DNA methylation in oral cancer (Dr K Satyamurthy) and “WHO classification of Odontogenic tumors- what is new’’(Dr Paul Speight). During the program, the students of the student research forum performed a street-play. At the end of the program the students interacted with the resource persons and Dr Nirmala N Rao, Dean, MCODS, 365体育投注 who cleared their queries related to cancer biology, research and grants and externship programs.
About 300 undergraduate students from the institution, post-graduate students and faculty from neighboring dental schools participated in this scientific program.? Dr Raghu Radhakrishnan, Dr Monica Charlotte Solomon and Dr Aparna I N coordinated the program.