Dr Vimal Krishnan S
Additional Professor
Department of Emergency Medicine
Academic Coordinator- Department of Emergency Medicine.
Resource Faculty- Department of Medical Education, Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注
Coordinator- Clinical Skills Lab, Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注
Co-coordinator Medical Simulation Centre, Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注
Coordinator- Centre for Resuscitation, Acute Care and Simulation Training (CReST)
PhD Supervisor & DAC Member- Emergency Medicine
MAHE-ATLS Site-incharge, MAHE, 365体育投注.
Staff advisor- Tempus Pretioso (Emergency Medicine Undergraduate Student Enthusiast Club, Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注)
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
ACME | Medical Education | NMC Nodal Centre- Government Medical College, Kottayam | 2024 |
FAIMER (Foundation for Advancement of 365体育投注 Medical Education and 365体育投注) | 365体育投注 Medical Education & 365体育投注 | MAHE-FAIMER Regional Institute | 2020 |
MD | Emergency Medicine | Jubilee Mission Medical College & 365体育投注 Institute, Kerala, India. 2012 | 2012 |
Leadership in Public Health | Public Health Leadership | 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education, The George Institute for Global Health and selected mentors from the University of Minnesota, USA and Maastricht University, The Netherlands. | 2019 |
: FACEE (Fellow of the Academic College of Emergency Experts, India) | Academic College of Emergency Experts India | 2015 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注, 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), 365体育投注, Udupi, Karnataka, India | Additional Professor | October 2023- continuing | |
Department of Emergency Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注, 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), 365体育投注, Udupi, Karnataka, India | Associate Professor | September 2020- October 2023 | |
Department of Emergency Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注, 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), 365体育投注, Udupi, Karnataka, India | Assistant Professor | May 2019- August 2020 | |
Department of Emergency Medicine, Jubilee Mission Medical College & 365体育投注 Institute, Thrissur, Kerala, India. | Assistant Professor | July 2016-May 2019 | |
Department of Emergency Medicine, Jubilee Mission Medical College & 365体育投注 Institute, Thrissur, Kerala, India. | Senior Resident | July 2015-July 2016 | |
Coronary Care Unit (CCU) Attukal Trust Hospital, Attukal, Trivandrum, Kerala, India. | Registrar/ Junior Doctor | (2010-11) (6 Months) |
Deployment of a RObust NEed based aerial healthcare delivery system (DRONE) study
Principal Investigator:?Dr Kirthinatha Ballala A.B
Co-Investigator: Dr. Vimal Krishna S
Funding Agencies: ICMR
365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) and the Indian Council of Medical 365体育投注 (ICMR) have joined forces to inaugurate the Deployment of a Robust Need based aerial healthcare delivery system (DRONE). The program aims to utilize drones for transporting Oncopathological Samples between Peripheral and Tertiary Care Hospitals in Karnataka.
Area of Interest
Emergency Medicine; Cardiovascular Emergencies; Resuscitation; Point of Care Ultrasound; Simulation & Medical Education; Trauma care; Snake bite and Toxicology; Emergency Critical Care; Paediatric Emergency Medicine;
Area of Expertise
Emergency Medicine; Cardiovascular Emergencies; Resuscitation; Point of Care Ultrasound; Simulation & Medical Education; Trauma care; Snake bite and Toxicology; Emergency Critical Care; Paediatric Emergency Medicine; EM administration & Public health
Area of 365体育投注
Emergency Medicine; Cardiovascular Emergencies; Resuscitation; Point of Care Ultrasound; Simulation & Medical Education; Trauma care; Snake bite and Toxicology; Emergency Critical Care; viscoelastic hemostatic assays.
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
Governing Council Member, Academic College of Emergency Experts (ACEE) India;
Founding Principal Secretary, Emergency Medicine Association (EMA) India;
Board Member, World Academic Council of Emergency Medicine (WACEM);
Board of Studies member, SDURS university, Kolar
Member, National core group of experts for strengthening Emergency and Trauma Care services by National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC) under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India;
365体育投注 faculty for the Emergency Disaster Global Health Sciences (EDGHS) fellowship hosted by Hospital Selayang, MAHSA University, Selangor Malaysia;
National Trainer for Emergency care for Medical Officers-by NHSRC (National Health Systems Resource Centre) under MoHFW (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare), India
National Expert & Member, Board of Studies, Emergency Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rishikesh
Course Director/ Lead instructor for 365体育投注 resuscitation courses BLS?, ACLS?, ACLS-EP?, PALS? under the American Heart Association (AHA?) since 2012
Course Director/ Lead instructor for 365体育投注 resuscitation courses Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support-PHTLS?, Advanced Medical Life Support-AMLS? resuscitation courses under National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians- NAEMT? since? 2016.
Training Center faculty (TCF) for AHA 365体育投注 Training Center (ITC) since 2017.
Faculty for ATLS? under the American College of Surgeons (ACS?) since 2013.
Core Faculty for “Leadership in Disaster Preparedness & Crisis Communication” Workshop since 2015.
Faculty for BDLS/ADLS? under the National Disaster Life Support Foundation (NDLSF?) since 2018.
Core Faculty for National Emergency Medicine Board Review of India Course in (NEMBRIC?) endorsed by the National Board of Examination (NBE) since 2015 and national courses like AIIMS-BECC? since 2015.
Faculty for the international resuscitation & critical care course- Basic Assessment and Support in Intensive Care (BASIC?) since 2015.
Coordinator Pan Asia Simulation Society in Healthcare Simulation Education Course in India?
Scopus ID- 57222100173
ORCID ID-? https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0100-2396
Google Scholar- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UtZlhQEAAAAJ&hl=en
Papers published/ accepted for publication- 19 national
Chapters in books- 2
Abstracts published- 2
Grants- 2
Copyright- 5
Section 24; Chapter 14- Drug overdose, “API Textbook of Medicine”. (12th Edition) ISBN- 9789354656361,
April 2022
Chapter 6- Miller’s pyramid of assessing clinical competence, “Education theory made practical” Volume 4
https://books.macpfd.ca/etmp-vol4/chapter/chapter-6-millers-pyramid/ {Eric Blazar; Vimal Krishnan; Shivani Mody; Miller’s pyramid of assessing clinical competence: Krzyzaniak, Messman, Robinson, Schnapp, Li-Sauerwine, Gottlieb, Chan (Eds). Education Theory Made Practical, Volume 4. McMaster Office of Continuing Professional Development, Hamilton, ON, Canada. ISBN: 978-1-927565-46-9)