Dr. Seemitr Verma
Associate Professor
Department of Pathology
? DAC meeting member (subject expert 2) for the Ph.D. study “Evaluation of the prophylactic and therapeutic potential of hydroalcoholic extract of Vitex Agnus castus(VAC) berry on Cisplatin-induced normal tissue toxicity” by Aparna Tripathi
? A research vertical member for the "Consultancy and Entrepreneurship vertical"
? Developed E content for MedAce -Pathology ? Professional achievements: Subject leader for MedAce Pathology
? Innovative practice: Use Slido/Kahoot/Mentimeter/Whatsapp poll/LMS/Online video resources/ice-breaker sessions for learning material delivery. I am also a resource person for the Medical Education department where I teach new teaching-learning methods and learn from others as well
? Clinical coordinator for MedAce 365体育投注
? Basic life support instructor resource person for Medical Education
? Department Academic Coordinator
? Department 365体育投注 Coordinator
? Technical Manager assigned by Medical Superintendent Kasturba Hospital, 365体育投注.
? Presents Quality indicator in NABH audit ? Member of the cultural committee
? Member of department website updating committee ? Technical Manager for KH Laboratory Service committee
? 365体育投注 vertical member for Consultancy and Entrepreneurship vertical, taking social media, visibility of the institution
? Co-ordinator for the online portal of the e-Log book for UG/PG
? Anti-ragging committee member
? Youth Leadership Development Programme (YLDP) member
Comparison of CNN and object detection models for the detection of iron deficiency anemia from peripheral blood smear images
Principal Investigator:?Navya K.T
Co-Investigator:?Seemitr Verma, Keerthana Prasad
The automated assessment of health is growing to incorporate image processing and machine learning technology. An examination of the complete blood count (CBC) is performed to determine general health and the presence of illnesses. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that Iron Deficiency Anemia(IDA) is the primary cause of anemia that affects 24.8% of the world’s population. Clearly, it is of paramount importance to correctly predict and diagnose anemia. Using machine learning and computer vision techniques, diagnosing anemia can be much quicker, cost effective and more accurate than conventional methods of diagnosis
Area of Interest
Area of Expertise
FlowCytometry/Coagulation/Hb Electrophoresis/Clinical Lab/Quality management KHLS
Area of 365体育投注
Coagulation/FlowCytometry/Cytomorphology in hematology/Molecular diagnostics
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
Member of” The Cytometry Society of India”
Clinico-hematological Profile and Cytogenetics in Myelodysplastic Syndrome - A Tertiary Care Experience.
2024 Ruchee Khanna, Chethan Manohar, Seemitr Verma
A Tertiary Care Experience. 365体育投注 Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(2):673-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00104
Study of coagulation parameters in HIV patients and its relation to CD4 counts and art status. 365体育投注 Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
2023 Verma S, Khanna R, Godkhindi V, Vijay S A, V S, Zeeshan SM
2023;489–94. doi:10.52711/0974-360x.2023.00083
Essential thrombocythemia with portal vein thrombosis and splenic infarction successfully treated with platelet apheresis.
2021 Mehta, Ami & Seshadri, Shubha & Verma, Seemitr & Madhyastha, Sharath.
BMJ Case Reports. 14. e245267. 10.1136/bcr-2021-245267.
Plasma cell infiltration of skin and pleural fluid: A case report on an unusual presentation of myeloma. 365体育投注 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology
2021 Saini, Anshika & Belurkar, Sushma & Verma, Seemitr & Udupa
16-22. 10.33545/pathol.2021.v4.i3a.383.
Cross Sectional Study of Severe and Mixed Malaria Infections: Experience of a Tertiary Care Hospital in 365体育投注-West Coastal Karnataka
2021 Gupta, Akshita & Khanna, Ruchee & Ashraf, Asem & Khanna, Vinay & Kumar, Gauri & Verma, Seemitr & Acharya, Vasudeva.
?27-33. 10.21088/ijfmp.0974.3383.14121.3.