RBMET Workshop


MCI Regional Centre In Medical Education Technologies: St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore 34

Basic Course Workshop – Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注

Dates of Workshop : ?2nd to 4th November,? 2017??? Institute: Kasturba Medical College, 365体育投注 576104???


Dean/Director/Principal’s Name

Dr. Pragna Rao

Convener/Head of Medical Education Unit Name

Dr. Pragna Rao

Name of MCI Observer

Dr. Maria Pauline


List of Participants


Sl. No.

Name of Participant

Designation and Department

1.?????? ?

Dr. Lydia Shobha Andrade

Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy

2.?????? ?

Dr. Amrut Rao K

Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology

3.?????? ?

Dr. Rajagopal K V

Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis

4.?????? ?

Dr. Srilatha P S

Associate professor, Department of Pathology

5.?????? ?

Dr. Rahul Magazine

Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine

6.?????? ?

Dr. Indu R Rao

Assistant Professor, Department of Nephrology

7.?????? ?

Dr. Arun Kumar H D

Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology

8.?????? ?

Dr. Pai Divya Venkatesh

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine

9.?????? ?

Dr. Anju Shukla

Associate Professor, Department of Medical Genetics

10.?? ?

Dr. Kiran Kumar V Acharya

Professor, Department of Orthopaedics

11.?? ?

Dr. Ananthakrishna Shastri B

Professor, Department of Medicine

12.?? ?

Dr. Vidyashree G Poojari

Assistant Professor, Department of OBG

13.?? ?

Dr. Varsha M Shetty

Assistant Professor, Department Dermatology

14.?? ?

Dr. Devaraja K

Assistant Professor, Department of OTO Rhino Laryngology

15.?? ?

Dr. KotaVeena Laxminarayan Karanth

Associate Professor, Department of Surgery

16.?? ?

Dr. Ashwal A J

Associate Professor, Department of Cardiology

17.?? ?

Dr. Umesh S

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
