





IE Mechanical Students' Chapter 365体育投注

IE Mechanical is the official and the oldest Mechanical Club of 365体育投注, which conducts various types of events throughout the academic year, namely the AutoCAD Workshop, Imperium, Swacch Bharat Events, Placement Talks etc. The club aims to impart practical knowledge to its members and participants through these enticing events. It also handles the Category – Mechanize in TechTatva every year. Imperium is the club's Annual Technical Week, which consists of 4 Mechanical Engineering competitions fought across the week for the winners to take home cash prizes and bragging rights. The AutoCAD workshop is organized solely for the Freshers just before their End Semester Lab Exams (EG) for them to learn and practice the AutoCAD software, which seems a bit daunting at the state. Placement Talks have been organized time and time again to get the students ready for the placement sessions.


Official Mail ID:iemechanical.mit@manipal.edu