Dr Shivananda Bhat K
Professor and Coordinator
Department of Library & Information Sciences
Qualification: B.Sc., M.L.I.Sc., Ph.D
- Guides the research students.
- Plans, organises and manages the library services and facilities.
- Prepares and presents the library budget.
- Assists library users in retrieval of information using online resources.
- Attends orientation programs and briefs the newly admitted students about the library services and rules and regulations of the library.
- Ensures adequate staffing in all sections of the library.
Shivananda Bhat K is a Professor?in the Department of Library and Information Science.
Subject | Semester / Year |
Foundations of Library and Information Science | Semester - I |
Information Processing: Cataloguing (Theory) | Semester - II |
Information Processing: Cataloguing (Practical) | Semester - II |
365体育投注 Methodology | Semester - III |
Electronic Information Resources and Bibliometric Analysis (Practical) | Semester - III |
Internship | Semester IV |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
PhD | Library and Information Science | Mysore University, Mysore | 2002 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of Library and Information Science | Professor | 2022-Present | |
Department of Library and Information Science | Associate Professor | 2014 – 2022 | |
Department of Library and Information Science | Assistant Professor-Senior Scale | 2011 - 2014 | |
Department of Library and Information Science | Senior Librarian | 2000 -2011 | |
Department of Library and Information Science | Senior Librarian - 1 | 1996-2000 | |
Department of Library and Information Science | Assistant Librarian | 1989-1996 |
Area of Interest
Health Sciences librarianship, User Education, Information literacy, Web Resources.
Area of 365体育投注
User Education.
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Life member of Dakshina Kannada and Kodagu Library Association, Mangalore.
- Life member of Karnataka Health Sciences Library Association, Bangalore.
- Life member of Indian Library Association.
User Awareness on Single Window Search Tool Provided by KMC Health Sciences Library, MAHE, 365体育投注: A Study.
Dr Shivananda Bhat K Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Swapna
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2019 September; 2729
Awareness, Perception and Use of Social, Networking Sites among Library Professionals and Semi-Professionals: A Case Study.
Dr Shivananda Bhat K Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Pooja
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2019 September; 2844
Use of KMC Health Sciences Library Portal by Postgraduate Students and Faculty Members of 365体育投注 College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MAHE, 365体育投注, India.
Dr Shivananda Bhat K Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Sunil Shetty
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2018 November; 1864
Relationship between Online Journal Usage and their Citations in the Academic Publications: A Case Study.
Dr Shivananda Bhat K Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Jessy A.
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2018 Sept;38(5):312-319
Perception of Semi-Professionals in using ICT in 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education Libraries.
Dr Shivananda Bhat K. Mahabaleshwara Rao Ashish Rao K.
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2018 Sept;38(5):369-374
Enabling OpenAthens-Single Sign-On (SSO) Remote Access Authentication to e-Resources: A Case Study.
Dr.Shivananda Bhat K. Dr.Mahabaleshwara Rao. Mohan Teja M.
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2023 Sep;43(5):347-353
Awareness and Utilization of Information Resources and Services among Library Users of JCBM College, Shringeri, India: A Case Study.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Prasad T.P.
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2021 November; 6477
Impact of COVID-19 on Academic Libraries: A Case Study.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao. Mohan Tej M.
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2021 September; 6152
Perception and Utilization of Single Window Search Tool for Conducting Literature Search: A Case Study.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2021 July; 5898
. Utilization and User Satisfaction of Public Library Resources and Services: A Case Study of City Central Library, Shimoga, India.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao. Anusha B.N.
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2020 November; 4698
Association of Usage of Online Journals with Impact Factors: A Descriptive Analytical Study: A Study.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Kalesh M. Karun Jessy A.
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2020 September; 4240
Usage of Grammarly – Online Grammar and Spelling Checker Tool at the Health Sciences Library, 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education, 365体育投注: A Study.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Anita Gain
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2019 November; 2611
Perception and Satisfaction Level of Remote Login Access Users: A Study.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Jayalakshmi
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2018 April; 1783
Assessing the Effectiveness of Information Literacy Instruction Program: Pre and Post Evaluation Case Study.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Jessy A.
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2016 November; 1434
Web Portal: An E-Content Knowledge Management Tool.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Jessy A.
PEARL – A Journal of Library and Information Science 2016 Oct-Dec; 10(4): 224-233
Citation Analysis of Academic Publications to Identify Subscribed Journals Usage: A Case Study.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Jessy A.
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2016 Jul;36(4):194-198
Medical Professionals’ Usage and Preference of EBM Resources: A Survey.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Jessy A.
SRELS Journal of Information Management 2015 Jun;52(3):153-162
PubMed literacy: Developing Skills for Effective Literature.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao
Indian Journal of Respiratory Care 2015; 4:565-71
Single window access to e-resources at the 365体育投注 University Health Sciences Library.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao
Indian Journal of Library and Information Science 2012 Sep-Dec;6(3):247-265.
Microsite: A campus networked library resource search: A study of 365体育投注 University Health Sciences Library, 365体育投注.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Anantha K.R. Rao
365体育投注 Journal of Library and Information Science 2010 May: 65-71.
e-Learning - A support tool for teaching and learning: A 365体育投注 University initiative.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Mahesh V Mudhol
SRELS Journal of Information Management 2009 Mar:46(1): 3-16.
Online databases for health professionals. Physiotherapy.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Mahesh V Mudhol
The Journal of Indian Association of Physiotherapists 2008 Apr;1(1):10-13.
Towards quality of health science information on the Internet.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Mahesh V Mudhol
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2008 Nov;28(6):27-33.
Selected web resources on medical sciences.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Mahesh V Mudhol
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2008 Mar;28(2):86-92.
Resources For Evidence-Based Health Care: Accessibility And Availability.
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Preethy and George Anice and Nair Sreekumaran N and Noronha Judith A and Renjith Vishnu and Bhat Souza
Journal of Education and Practice, 5 (7). pp. 65-72. ISSN 2222-288X
A Systematic review of blood donation in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients
Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Shreyansh Shreyansh Shivam Pradipkumar Thaker Vidya Monappa
BMC Proceedings 2023, 17(Suppl 17):P4