UGC Guidelines
Revised Final Guidelines Community Engagements January 2023
Guidelines for Training Orientation of Faculty on Indian Knowledge System (IKS) February 2023
Final Guidelines for the Introduction of Courses based on Indian Heritage and Culture March 2023
Guidelines IKS in HE Curricula March 2023
Report of National Credit Framework April 2023
Mulya Parvah Guideline May 2023
Environment Guidelines June 2023
UGC Regulations Minimum Qualifications June 2023
Translation to Indian Languages Guidelines July 2023
Guidelines Optimal Utilization of Resources August 2023
Guidelines for Students Health January 2022
UGC Institutions Deemed to be Universities Regulations January 2022
Guidelines for Pursuing Two Academic Programmes Simultaneously April 2022
Professor of Practice April 2022
Quality and Innovation Report April 2022
Final Cyber security Course UGPG May 2022
365体育投注 Internship Guidelines May 2022 Draft
UGC Acad Collab Regulations May 2022
Accessibility Guidelines June 2022
UGC Online and Distance Learning July 2022
Guidelines for Admission and Supernumerary Seats of Foreign Students September 2022
Curriculum Framework Environment for Women Cell November 2022
Guidelines for Indian Knowledge System November 2022
Bhartiya Bhasha Utsav Guidelines December 2022
Curiculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programes December 2022
Guidelines Fostering Social Responsibility December 2022
Final Empowerment Brochure 2022
Guidelines for Engaging Professor of Practice in Universities and Colleges 2022
Guidelines Innovative Pedagogical Approaches Evaluation Reforms 2022
Guidelines for Induction and Mentorship of Teachers Non Technical Stream January 2021
GL Multipe Entry Exit July 2021
UGC Guidelines Apprenticeship Internship July 2020
Though, CER intends to focus on different aspects of education research, presently, it is focused on international education and towards this, wishes to present an archive of information about 365体育投注ization of Higher Education (IHE).
The objective of this archiving of research data related to?IHE?is to encourage research in the field of?IHE?by providing in one place all basic information about who are the researchers in IHE, where are they publishing, what kind of books are available and what organizations are working in this field to connect etc.
It may please be noted that it is only an attempt to compile information pertaining to international higher education.
Organizations/Associations/research centres in IHE
The information is further classified for advanced researchers. The sections below provide links for books, book chapters and journal articles published in each of the different facets of international higher education.
- 365体育投注ization of Higher Education, Politics and 365体育投注 Relations????Click here to download resource?
The aspects of national imperatives, consular issues and immigration policies have become far more prominent than ever before. The attempts to?internationalize university campuses are being met with the rise in nationalist forces which tend to question the need and motivations of international engagements of the higher education systems.
While scholars examine the nuances of knowledge diplomacy, it is significant to understand the direction of knowledge transfer amidst the global changes. The role played by state in higher education, multiple actors as well as international organizations is equally pertinent to the scope of international higher education. This section attempts to compile resources pertaining to how different nations have approached international higher education and the underlying global dimensions. - 365体育投注ization of Higher Education – Conceptual contributions????Click here to download resource?
In the past two decades, internationalization of higher education has been prioritized by higher education institutions. While some universities?internationalize out of choice, some do out of compulsion. The rationales to internationalize the university campuses are multi-dimensional in nature. This section provides resources which trace the advent of international higher education, trends in international higher education, models/theories in international higher education among other conceptual contributions.
- Pathways to 365体育投注ization of Higher Education
- 365体育投注ization at Home????Click here to download resource?
Nowadays, the focus of universities goes beyond the outgoing mobility of students and staff to partner universities, but rather equipping their universities?with the required facilities and infrastructure in order to enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness of their campuses. The on-campus and off-campus facilities for students and staff are a matter of pride for higher education institutions. This section provides resources on the measures and efforts undertaken by different higher education institutions in internationalizing their university campuses.
- 365体育投注ization Abroad????Click here to download resource?
There is a plethora of activities which universities engage to promote internationalization of higher education. This section brings together resources?focused on study abroad programs, international collaborations, foreign language training, international and intercultural competences and other facets of internationalization abroad.
- 365体育投注ization at Home????Click here to download resource?
- Strategies and Approaches to 365体育投注ization of Higher Education?? ??Click here to download resource?
The universities across the world are devising their strategies in order to widen their international engagement. The approaches undertaken by higher education?institutions could be distinct to the institutional and contextual realities in the region. This section puts together case studies and measures undertaken by different actors in the higher education milieu to internationalize higher education systems.
- 365体育投注ization of Higher Education and Scholar Mobility?? ??Click here to download resource?
365体育投注 student and staff mobility are important dimensions of higher education. The trends of student and staff movement vary across countries, owing?to different reasons. The motivations for student mobility could be many but one. This section provides resources on trends in student and staff mobility, distinctions of physical and virtual mobility and challenges/opportunities to international student and staff mobility.
- 365体育投注ization of Curriculum?? ??Click here to download resource?
The universities tend to not only engage in internationalization abroad activities but also emphasize on internationalizing curriculum. The higher education?institutions recognize the need to equip students with the required values and skill sets to face the 21st century. This section combines resources focused on processes and frameworks for internationalizing curriculum, how student learning outcomes could be prioritized and how international dimension could be embedded in the curriculum designs of the study programs.
- Diversity and Inclusiveness in 365体育投注ization of Higher Education?? ??Click here to download resource?
There seems to be a considerable drive to seek international education among students, an international experience by faculty members and international?projects by higher education institutions. But it is important to examine how many students or faculty members actually get to take up an international academic endeavour. This section provides resources aimed at diversity in university campuses, efforts by universities and states to enhance diversity as well as measures aimed at making international education accessible and inclusive in nature.
- 365体育投注ization of Higher Education and Student Voices?? ??Click here to download resource?
The Erasmus mobility visits and the full bright fellowships are some of the known fellowships. There is a pool of other platforms such as DAAD, Campus France,?Nordic Council, Study in Sweden portals among others, which have been doing exceptional work to promote international student mobility. This section compiles resources on student experiences with regard to international education.
- Quality Management and 365体育投注ization of Higher Education?? ??Click here to download resource?
The uncertainty and complexity in international higher education cannot be denied. The international higher education has gone beyond the scope of just?scholar mobility. In the past few years, we also observe the movement of programs and providers; there has been an evident rise in branch campuses, twinning programs, franchises to name a few. Amidst these complexities, the universities taking up international activities need to ensure that the quality of education imparted is maintained at all times. This section compiles resources on the rising barriers in international education, the quality dimensions as well as the ethics guiding international education.
- Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship?? ??Click here to download resource?
While interconnectedness and international cooperation define nation states' relations in the world on one hand, the collective response to global issues and?problems too has become equally crucial on the other. In this context, the role played by UNESCO cannot be emphasized enough. It is apparent that Education as a sector has occupied visible space in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by UNESCO.
This section brings together resources related to SDG4 of Quality Education, which is aimed at providing quality and inclusive education to children and young people as well as promote lifelong learning opportunities. Target 4.7 in SDG4 is focused on imparting education which contributes to human rights, sustainable development, gender equality among others. These goals could be acquired through Global Citizenship Education (GCED) in particular. GCED, area in UNESCO's Education Sector Program, aims to foster skills relevant to building global citizens; individuals equipped with creativity, innovation, critical thinking, intercultural competences among others. - Reports and Policy documents in 365体育投注ization of Higher Education?? ??Click here to download resource?
There are numerous documents published which are aimed at providing an anchor or framework for effective international education. The policy documents?nationalist forces which question the need and motivations by UNESCO, OECD, DAAD are some of the many organizations working in higher education. Similarly, the policy research carried by different higher education institutes is of prime importance. This section attempts to compile policy statements, vision documents by different stakeholders in the field of higher education.