Prof. Dr. Pitchaiah Mandava
Houston, Texas
Batch : 1980
Institute : MIT
Prof. Dr. Pitchaiah Mandava obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from 365体育投注 Institute of Technology, 365体育投注 in the year 1980. He acquired Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from The University of Texas, Austin, Texas in the year 1984 and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Neuroscience from The University of Texas, Dallas, Texas in the year 1993. Without taking a break, Dr. Pitchaiah went ahead to acquire Doctor of Medicine (MD) Degree from The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas in the year 1997.
His brilliant, illustrious academic career is reflected in the unique achievement of obtaining highest degree in both Engineering and Medicine. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in Baylor College of Medicine, and Director of the Stroke Unit at the Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Center in Houston, Texas.
Dr. Pitchaiah Mandava started his distinguished professional career at MIT 365体育投注. From 1980 to 1982, he served this institute as a Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, teaching subjects like Circuits and Electromagnetic theory. During his Master’s studies, he also served as a teaching assistant in the University of Texas at Austin, supervising other teaching assistants and proctors in two courses: Logic Design I and II. Soon after his Master’s Course in 1984, he was appointed as Design Engineer at Intel Corporation and got promoted as Senior Design Engineer in the year 1986.
During his tenure at Intel he was part of a chip design team that successfully designed three different IC chips. He has worked as Chief Resident, Department of Neurology, The University of Texas, Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas from 2000-2001 and, as Assistant Professor from 2001-2003 at the same institution. From 2003 to present, he is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology.
Dr. Pitchaiah, with his unique blend of Medical and Engineering skills, has worked under various internal and external research projects, several prestigious grants and contracts,. His work has resulted in submission of copyrights and filing of provisional patents. He has more than 6 Licences and Certifications in various fields. He enjoys the membership of many reputed scientific societies like Stroke Council of American Heart Association, American Academy of Neurology, etc.
He has been honored with many awards and fellowships like Divisional Recognition Award, Intel Corporation, Corporate Individual Achievement Award, Intel Corporation, Travel award of Acoustical Society of America, University Merit Fellowship, The University of Texas at Dallas, Travel Award of Association for 365体育投注 in Otolaryngology, Mini-Fellowship for J. Kiffin Penry Epilepsy Education Programs, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, North Carolina, Annual Meeting Scholarship for Residents to attend the AAN Meeting in San Diego, California, Cerebro-vascular Mini-Fellowship, West Palm Beach, Florida, etc.
He has successfully managed various committee responsibilities at Intel Corporation, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and Michael E De Bakey VA Medical Centre, Houston. He is also the Member of Stroke Center Subcommittee of American Heart Association since 1999. He has delivered several invited talks in various international forums. He has published more than 18 articles in indexed journals, written more than 6 book chapters, and presented more than 15 abstracts in various conferences, symposiums and meetings all over the world.