Dr Parvati Vinod Bhat

Professor, Head of the Department and Medical Superintendent

Obstetrics & Gynaecology


    • Parvati Vinod Bhat is Professor, Head of the Department and Medical Superintendent.?


Subject Semester / Year
Facts of Fetal-Definitions, Lie, Presentation, Position, Denominator, Attitude MMMC - Theory Class
Maternal Pelvis and Fetal Skull MMMC - Theory Class


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
(MD) Doctor in Medicine Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1999
DGO & MD KMC 365体育投注, 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education 1991
MBBS Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum, Karnataka 1980


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
Dr TMA Pai Rotary Hospital, Karkala Assistant Professor 1999-2003
Dr TMA Pai Rotary Hospital, Karkala Lady Medical Officer 1988-1999

Oral health related quality of life during pregnancy

2009-01-01 Shashidhar Acharya

Journal of Public Health Dentistry, American Association Public Health Dentistry, Vol 69(2) 2009, Page No.74-79.

Prevalence of menopausal symptoms and quality of life after menopause in women from 365体育投注 India

2009-01-01 Laxminarayan Bairy Shalini Adiga Rajeshwari G Bhat

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol 49, 2009; page No 106- 109.

Evaluation of the role of micronutrients and angiogenic factors in pre-eclampsia

2014-01-01 Jenu Maria Thomas


A hospital based cohort study to estimate the proportion of maternal genitourinary and periodontal infections and associated risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes

2014-01-01 Chaitanya


A comparative study to find the effectiveness of antepartum breathing exercises on the outcome of labour among prim gravid and multigravida women in selected hospital of Udupi district

2014-01-01 Sushmitha


Prevalence of human papilloma virus in Udupi Taluk, Udupi Dist, KKarnataka, India

2014-01-01 Sabeena


    Case control study on risk factors for preterm deliveries in a secondary care hospital


    13 March, 2014.