Dr. Shravan Shetty
Associate Professor
Department of Orthodontics
- Shravan Shetty is Assistant Professor and member of Infection control committee
- He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students and is involved in research projects
Subject | Semester / Year |
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics | Third and Fourth year, BDS |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
BDS | Yenepoya Detal College, RGUHS | 2012 | |
MDS | Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics | SDM College of Dental Sciences, Dharwad | 2016 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, MCODS, Mangalore | Assistant Professor | 2017 – onwards |
A Comparative Evaluation of Reliability of an Android-based App and Computerized Cephalometric Tracing Program for Orthodontic Cephalometric Analysis
June 21, 2019 Dentistry Pavithra Shettigar Dr. Shravan Shetty Roopak D. Naik Shrinivas M. Basavaraddi1 Anand K. Patil
This study aimed to assess the reliability of the android smartphone-based app OneCeph by comparing it with computer cephalometric tracing program Dolphin Imaging software. 50 cephalometric radiographs were randomly selected. On each cephalogram 20 landmarks were marked. 15 parameters indicating skeletal, dental and soft tissue parameters were selected and measured. The values obtained from Dolphin imaging software and the OneCeph app were compared with respect to the assessment of measurements of various parameters by paired t-test. It was observed thatfour parameters out of the fifteen showed significant differences between Dolphin imaging software and OneCeph app (p<0.05). For all the other parameters selected, no differences were observed between Dolphin and OneCeph digital methods and also there is a significant and positive correlation between the measures obtained from the Dolphin and OneCeph app for each landmark parameter. The results obtained by the OneCeph app showed most parameters are comparable with the Dolphin Imaging software. Therefore, it can be concluded that this app is reliable, user-friendly which facilitates its use by the clinician on a regular basis. This user-friendly OneCeph app can be utilized with sufficient accuracy for the cephalometric analysis of most of the measurements required in day-to-day clinical orthodontic practice. Keywords: Cephalometry, Computers, Digital Radiography, Smartphone
Digital India Digitisizing Orthodontic office Our Experience with Design and Implementation of a Contemporary
June 21, 2019 Dentistry Dr Nidhin Philip Jose Dr Siddarth Shetty Dr Dilip G Naik Dr. Shravan Shetty Dr. Ashith. M. V. Dr Asavari Desai
Area of Interest
Areas of interest Orthodontic biomechanics, Lingual Orthodontics, Clear aligner treatment.
Area of Expertise
Orthodontic treatment mechanics
Area of 365体育投注
Orthodontic micro-implants, Aligners
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Life Member of the Indian Orthodontic Society (IOS)
- Life Member of Indian Dental Association (IDA)
- Organizing Committe Member of 5th National ISPRP Conference held at Mangalore, Karnataka, 2012.
Evaluation of efficacy of microwave oven irradiation in disinfection of patient derived dental cast
Bhat V Shenoy K Shetty S
2012, 8(3):1-4. Int J Infect Control.
Evaluation of orthodontic micro-implant stability using resonance frequency analysis: an in vivo study
Shetty S Naik R Patil A
2016, 1(1):5–12, Journal of Contemporary Orthodontics.
Facile stabilizer for lingual retainer wires
Shetty S Naik R D Patil A K
2017, Spring, 28(1):43-45.Int J Orthod Milwaukee.
A Simple Aligner Removal Tool
Shetty S
2018, 2(2):151Journal of Aligner Orthodontics.
A Comparative Evaluation of Reliability of an Android-based App and Computerized Cephalometric Tracing Program for Orthodontic Cephalometric Analysis
Shettigar P Shetty S Naik R D Basavaraddi S M Patil A K
2019, 12(1)341-6.Biomed Pharmacol J.
Digital India, Digitizing the Orthodontic Office-Our Experience with Design and Implementation of a Contemporary Patient Management System
Jose N P Shetty S Naik D G Shetty S Desai A Ashith MV Mary L
2019, 10(4):278-82, Indian Journal of Public Health 365体育投注 & Development.