Dr.Gopalakrishnan V

Adjunct Faculty


Qualification: Nuclear and Atomic Data


    1. 365体育投注 related to thorium in indian Nuclear power Program
    2. Guiding Students Interested
    3. Student Projects , Projects-works funded by Government Agencies



Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
Ph.D Physics University Of Madras,Chennai 2000
MSc Physics Annamalai University,Chidambaram,TN 1987


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
MCNS,365体育投注 University Sr.Data Physicist Sr.Scientist June2014 onwards.
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic 365体育投注, Kalpakkam, TamilNadu Head, Nuclear Data Section, Reactor Engg. Group Scientific Officer 37 Years(Dec 1975-Dec 2012)


Area of Interest

Neutron-nuclear Data processing for reactor Applications

Area of Expertise

Neutron-nuclear Data processing for reactor Applications

Area of 365体育投注

Nuclear Data research specifically related to thorium utilization

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

  • Life member: Indian Nuclear Society (INS)
  • Life member: Indian Society for Radiation Physcics (ISRP)
  • Life member: Indian Physcics Association (IPA)


Comparison of Calculated Self-shielding Factors with Measured Values for 239Pu, 235U, Fe and Na, Nuclear Data For Science and Technology

S. Ganesan M.M. Ramanadhan

D.Riedel Publishing Co, Page:32-35

Cross-sections Sets for C-12, O-16, Pu-239, U-238 and Pu-240 Based on ENDF/B-IV for Fast Reactor Applications

M.M. Ramanadhan S.Ganesan

Indian Journal of Physics, Volume:58A, Year:1984

Problems and Experiences in Nuclear Data Processing in Developing Countries

S. Ganesan M.M. Ramanadhan

Prog. Nucl. Energy, Volume:14(3), Page:301, Year:1984

Effect of Interpolation Error in Pre-processing Codes on Calculations of Self-Shielding factors and Their Temperature Derivatives

S. Ganesan M.M. Ramanadhan D.E. Cullen

Radiation Effects , Volume:96 (1-4), Page:235, Year:1986

A Programme of Evaluation, Processing and Testing of Nuclear Data for Th-232 and U-233

S. Ganesan M.M. Ramanadhan R.S. Keshavamurthy

Radiation Effects, Volume: 96(1-4) , Page: 313, Year:1986

Verification of the Accuracy of Doppler Broadened, Self-shielded Multigroup Cross-sections for Fast Power Reactor Application

S. Ganesan M.M. Ramanadhan D.E. Cullen

Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume:15(3), Page:113, Year:1988

Estimation of Measured Control Rod Worths in Fast Breeder Test Reactor - Effect of Different Delayed Neutron Parameters

1996-04-03 P. Mohanakrishnan C.P. Reddy V. Gopalakrishnan

Nucl. Sc. Eng., Volume:122(3), Page:359

Comparison of Calculated Helium Production in Stainless Steel due to Neutron Irradiation with Experiment

1996-01-03 R.V. Nandedkar S. Ganesan

Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume:228, Page:207

Generation and Validation of a New 121 Group Coupled (n, Y) Cross-section Library for Fast Reactor Applications

K.Devan P. Mohanakrishnan S.M. Lee

Annals of Nucl. Energy, Volume:23, Page:791-800, Year(1997)

Self-shielding and Energy Dependence of Dilution Cross-sections in the Resolved Resonance Region

1998-01-07 S. Ganesan

Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume:25(11), Page:839, Year:1998

Preparation of Multigroup Lumped Fission Product Cross-sections from ENDF/B-VI for FBRs

1998-01-01 K. Devan P.Mohanakrishnan M.S. Sridharan

Annals of Nucl. Energy, Volume:25(1), Page:161

Temperature Dependence of Unshielded Cross-sections in Multigroup Cross-section Sets


Annals of Nucl. Energy, Volume:27(11), Page:1029

Effects of Cross Section Sets and Quadrature Orders on Fluxes and on Secondary 24Na Activation Rate of a Pool Type 500 MWe FBR

2003-02-07 K. Devan G. Pandikumar M. Alagan P. Mohanakrishnan

Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume:30(11), Page:1181-1197

Impact of spread in Minor Actinide Data from ENDF/B-VII, ENDF/B-VI, JENDL-3.3 and JEFF-3.0 on an IAEA-CRP FBR Benchmark for MA incineration

2008-01-08 G. Pandikumar P. Mohanakrishnan

Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume:35(8), Page:1519–1534

Multiple recycling of fuel in prototype fast breeder reactor

2009-04-05 G. Pandikumar P. Mohanakrishnan

Pramana J. of Phy., Volume:72(5), Page:819 –832

Chapter 1 Domain-I: Critical Fast Reactors with Transmutation Capability and with Fertile Fuels

K. Devan G. Pandikumar R. Harish P. Mohanakrishnan R. Srivenkatesan

IAEA-TECDOC-1626, Volume:

Improved analysis on multiple recycling of fuel in PFBR in a closed fuel cycle

2011-04-07 G. Pandikumar P. Mohanakrishnan

Pramana J. of Phy., Volume:77(2), Page:315-333