Dr Rekha D Kini

Associate Professor

Department of Physiology


    Rekha D Kini teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students. She also assists the administration to in implementing institutional policies.


Subject Semester / Year
Blood First Semester
Gastro Intestinal System Second semester


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) KMC, Mangalore 2008
MSc (Masters of Science) Medical Physiology KMC Mangalore 1995


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
Department of Physiology, KMC Mangalore, 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education Associate Professor 2012
Department of Physiology, KMC Mangalore, 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education 2007-2012
Department of Physiology, KMC Mangalore, 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education Selection Grade Lecturer 2002-07
Department of Physiology, KMC Mangalore, 365体育投注 Academy of Higher Education Lecturer 1996-2002


Area of Interest

Reproduction, Endocrine

Area of Expertise

Guiding 365体育投注 Project, Effective Teaching

Area of 365体育投注

Effect of Cadmium Toxicity on Testis

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

  • Life Member of APPI, 2008. ?

Scavenging Role Of Beta Carotene In Oxidative Stress Induced By CadmiumChloride On Rat Testis

Nayantara A K Anupama N Bhaghyalakhmi K Sheila R Pai

365体育投注 Journal of Current 365体育投注 in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2014: 1(4) ;89-92.

Effect of Vitamin E Pre-Treatment on Histopathological Changes on Rat Testis Following Cadmium Chloride Administration 365体育投注

Tripathi Y C.V. Raghuveer Sheila R. Pai

J. Pharm. and Tech.2013; 6(8):1-4

Effect of stress on fasting blood glucoselevel, blood pressure and anthropometric parameters among the workingand non-working women: a comparative study

Geraldine Monteiro Anupama N Nayanatara AK Bhagyalaxmi K

365体育投注 365体育投注Journal for Inventions in Pharmaceutical Sciences.2013;1 (3);5-9

Effect of α-tocopherol pretreatment on epididymal weight, sperm count, and sperm morphology on cadium induced testicular damage in male albino rats.

Yogesh Tripathi C V Raghuveer Sheila R Pai Nayanatara AK

365体育投注 Journal of Plant Animal and Enviornmental Science .2012;2(3):110-114.

Combined effects of Vitamin E and Vitamin C supplementation on cadmium induced testicular morphology and oxidative stress

Yogesh Tripathi C V Raghuveer Sheila R Pai Ramaswamy C

365体育投注 Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.2011, 2 (4): 27-34.

Six minute walk test on blood pressure. Oxygen saturation in young adults