Dr. Nanda Kishor M S. M.Phil., Ph.D.

Head in-charge and Associate Professor

Department of Geopolitics & 365体育投注 Relations


    Nanda Kishor MS teaches postgraduate Students in the Department of Geopolitics and 365体育投注 Relations, MAHE. He is the Coordinator of Centre for Polish and Central European Studies.



Subject Semester / Year
Concept of War and Peace in Geopolitics Semester I
Strategy and Practice of Indian Foreign Policy Semester I
Comparative Politics & Government with Special Reference to UK, USA, Russia and China Semester II
Indian Government and Politics Semester I
Indian National Security & Defence Management Semester II
Terrorism and Asymmetric Conflicts Semester II
Gandhi & the Dynamics of 365体育投注 Security Environment Semester I
Gandhi & Changing Culture & Civilisation Semester I
Gandhi & the Logic of War and Peace Semester I
Rural Society and Development in India Semester II
Globalisation and Development: A Gandhian Perspective Semester II
Gandhi, Governance and the Corporate World Semester II
Contemporary Indian Culture (Shared work)
Idea of India (Shared Work)


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) Counter Terrorism and Asymmetric Conflict, India’s Foreign Policy, Indian Government and Politics, Comparative Politics, West Asia, Terrorism in 365体育投注 Asia and Governance, Peace and Conflict Resolution, Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons Department of Political Science, University of Hyderabad 2011


Area of Interest

Political Science and 365体育投注 Relations

Area of Expertise

Counter Terrorism and Asymmetric Conflict, India’s Foreign Policy, Indian Government and Politics, Comparative Politics, West Asia, Terrorism in 365体育投注 Asia and Governance, Peace and Conflict Resolution, Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons, Global Governance.

Area of 365体育投注

Counter Terrorism and Asymmetric Conflict, Terrorism in 365体育投注 Asia and Governance, Peace and Conflict Resolution, Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

  • Member of National Advisory Council, The Centre for Human Security, Hyderabad, 2012.?
  • Member of MCRG, 2007.
  • Member of World Public Forum, 4/11, Stubenring, 1010, Vienna, Austria, 2009.
  • Member of IASFM- 365体育投注 Association for the Study of Forced Migration, Washington, DC, USA, 2008.
  • Member of Capacity Development, World Bank Institute, 2008.

Involuntary urban displacement and vulnerability risks: Voices of the displaced

2012-01-01 Nihar Ranjan Mishra Kamal K Mishra Nanda Kishore (eds)

Politics of displacement and vulnerability

2011-01-01 Hans Günter Brauch Ursula Oswald Spring Patricia Kameri-Mbote Czeslaw Mesjasz

Involuntary urban displacement and contextualising the issue

2011-01-01 Nanda Kishor

Mega cities-resilience framework

2008-01-01 Hans-Georg Bohle Koko Warner (eds)

Finland’s asylum policy and Its dilemma

2007-01-01 Priyanca Mathur Velath

Military dimensions of environmental security: An Indian perspective

2013-01-01 Dhanasree Jayaram, PhD

Threats from Naxalites in India: Policy responses

2012-01-01 Rajrajeshwari Singh, PG

India’s likely naval engagement in the Northwest Pacific: Challenges and prospects

2012-01-01 Akshita Mathur, PG

US propaganda machinery in the discourse of war and peace: Case study of West Asia

2012-01-01 Abheet Sethi, PG

Challenges to Asian security architecture

2012-01-01 Devyani Shetty, PG

Maritime disputes in East Asia: Probable discourse on alternate solutions

2012-01-01 Nidhi Prasad, PG